The Infamous Goop

The Infamous Goop

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I have a secret recipe…..

It’s goopy…..but it’s helpful…..

I made it up…..

I’ll tell Pascal…..he’ll keep the secret…..

*****Pascal…..My Reticent Friend*****

…’s inexpensive (relatively speaking)…..(I don’t use brand name anything)…..

… makes volumes…..

…’s easy (but messy) to make…..

And it helps SO MANY things around here…..

Addy’s Owie…

It’s good for…..rashes…..lacerations…..abrasions… sores…..rain-rot…..mud-fever…..

I save the expensive-veterinarian-prescribed-stuff for the important injuries…..

…..but for the run-of-the-mill farm ouchies…..

Bell’s Snake Bite…

………….!My Goop Rules!………….

I got the idea from watching the movie, “The Help”…..

***Suggested Uses For Crisco From “The Help”***

So, I started out with Crisco…..

***Just WHAT IS Crisco???***

…..well not actually Crisco…..I used the generic-store-brand-version…..

…..then I started getting creative…..

I added sulfur wetting/dusting powder (that I got from Amazon)…..

…..’cuz it kills funguses…..(we have a lot of funguses in Florida)…..(and it’s good for roses too)…..(and I like roses)…..

Then I added my colloidal silver solution (that I make)… helps to make the sulfur powder into a putty/paste that’s easier to knead into the generic-Crisco…..

After that…..I add some cade oil and some neem oil (both of them stink—so they must work)…..

…..along with some tea tree oil (from any country of origin will do)…..(I think mine came from Walmart)…..

I throw in some peppermint oil (‘cuz it helps ease itching & rubbing)…..

…..then a little eucalyptus oil…..(there was a good reason for that…..which I now can’t remember)…..

…..and then…..let’s not forget the citronella oil…..EVERYTHING worth its salt in Florida has citronella oil in it…..

It sounds like a potpourri-cauldron-mixture…..doesn’t it?…..

…..but it works…..

It’s cheap… can use volumes…..and did I mention it works!…..

Just cover the kitchen table with old newspaper…..

Take off any silver jewelry…..(sulfur powder and sterling don’t mix well)…..

Remove half the shortening from the container…..(put it somewhere)-(temporarily)…..

Put the rest of the stuff in and (slowly) start mixing by hand…..

…..if you don’t mix slowly…’ll have geysers spouting all over the kitchen…..

…..geysers of sulfur dust poofing at you…..spewed colloidal silver shooting across the room…..or blinding peppermint oil… your eyes…..

… know…..that sort of messy stuff…..

…..I don’t recommend it…..

Go slowly…..add the rest of the grease…..& mix it all together…..(carefully)…..

…..(it doesn’t mix well)…..

The really great thing about this stuff is… can make lots of it and be liberal in its application without breaking the bank…..

The next really great thing is… creates a skin-friendly-barrier to crud…..(i.e. dirt/bugs/more bugs/& more dirt)…..

… keeps the formation of “proud-flesh” to a minimum…..

…..AND… moisturizes…..

***What Is Proud Flesh***

Thank you “The Help” for getting me started on this idea…..

…..and hats off to Crisco…..

…..(and there you have it)…..




#neemoil #peppermintoil #sulfurwetdustingpowder #teatreeoil

#crisco #thehelp #cadeoil #citronellaoil #colloidalsilver #essentialoils #eucalyptusoil

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