***The Hog Hilton***

***The Hog Hilton***

*******Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*******


The hogs finally have their newly finished pig pen…..


…..the rainy season hasn’t even begun yet…..

…..the first dusty splatter of rain hasn’t started…..

…..the summer’s reliable muddy-quagmires haven’t begun puddling yet…..

Ralph did all the necessary work…..

***Glossary—(Ralph Defined)***

…..he used our surplus telephone poles as super/secure posts…..

…..he was able to make use of the surplus sheets of 5-V Crimp that have been laying around…..

…..(that’s a good thing too…..what with another hurricane season just around the corner…..)

…..(there’s a good rule of thumb…..try NOT to have unnecessary-flying-projectile-potentials just laying around the premises)…..

…..(that’s a real bad thing)…..

…..(here’s another good thing…..it’s good knowing that the extraneous sheets of razor-sharp tin are now securely screwed into sturdy telephone poles)…..

…..(and less likely to become dangerously airborne)…..

Plus FINALLY the hogs have more room…..

…..and the hogs FINALLY have a roofed/dry shelter…..


…..and that means no more unplanned pregnancies…..

…..(at least with the remaining sows who might NOT be currently pregnant with the last wave of unplanned pregnancies)…..

These pigs absolutely need to get another hobby…..

Geez!  Louise!…..this last round of piglet-population-explosions were exhausting!…..

Can’t they find other distractions???…..

It seems like reproducing is ALL they think about!!!…..

Pigs…..(and again with my thumb!)…

All that’s left to do with their new sty is removing the old/trashed-out remains of the old one…..

The new pig pen was built outside the old one…..guess who will be going in to cut out the old fencing…..drag out the dilapidated roofing…..and pull out the old/used/unnecessary T-posts…..(?)…..

…..what fun…..!…..

Left-Over Scraps That HAVE To Go To The Dump BEFORE Hurricane Season

………….AND………….this has all been done before the rainy season begins…..

Thank you, Ralph…..Thank you, thank you, thank you…..!…..

Last Rainy Season







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