***The Boy Is Growing***

***The Boy Is Growing***

*****Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*****

Finley is growing……he’s three months old…..

He’s at the stage of gumming his mother’s grown-up food…..

…..trying to actually eat it…..

…..dropping most of it…..in slobbery glumps…..

I wanted to add a couple pictures showing just how much he’s grown…..

He still nurses from Claire…..

Finley Nursing From Claire (then)…

…..but he’s trying to eat their hay and grain more and more…..

I need to open his mouth and check his baby teeth…..

Finley Nursing From Claire (now)…

…..I’m sure they’re all in now…..

…..we have some saved baby teeth from past foals…which we were lucky enough to collect…normally they are swallowed or lost on the ground…..

(I can’t wait for him to shed out that scruffy clip-job)…(but it was the best we could do at the time)…

All things considered, Finley won’t be weaned for another three months at least…..

We’ll start Finley on formal training as soon as possible……but he’s not ready for it just yet…..

…..he needs to enjoy his baby-time first…..

…..he doesn’t have any real capacity for retention yet…..

Finley & My Older Daughter (then)…
Finley & My Older Daughter (now)…

For now his only job is to eat and grow and tolerate us poking and prodding and pulling him where we want him to go…..

And for now we really have to keep an eye on Claire’s weight-loss too…..

Claire’s Hips Are Hollowing…

She’s putting every calorie she eats into her baby…..

She’s a great Mom…..

…..but her weight is dropping quickly (even with three full meals a day along with fat supplements and other nutritional additions)…..

As long as she’s hungry and willing to eat…..we will keep throwing the food at her…..

She’s a good girl…..and a great broodmare…..and an even better Mom…..

Finley is a beautiful example of that…..

Finley Has Lips Just Like His Mom…







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