~~~The Bane of Bufos~~~

~~~The Bane of Bufos~~~

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The warm season has officially begun…..

I’ve been chasing down the first Bufo Toad of the season…..

*****(More Information of Bufo Toads)*****

I only see them after dark…I usually only spot them with my flashlight…..

They are very wary…..

And…they’re very fast…..

…..once I see one…I have to go and get a plastic grocery bag (so I have something to catch it in)…..

…..I don’t want the Bufo’s to stay here…because of the debilitating toxins they excrete from pores in their skin that can be fatal to our dogs…..

So what’s generally been happening is…by the time I get back with my plastic bag…it’s long gone…..

We’ve had a few humid nights with warm rain showers…they just love that sort of evening…..

…..when I close the the chicken coop at night…I pull up the door with a pulley through my bedroom window…..

I use a flash light to check on the horses one last time before I go to bed…..

…..and that’s when I see this big/big toad right outside by window…looking back at me…..

It’s kind of creepy…..

…..but every time I get out there…armed with a flashlight and a grocery bag…the toad’s gone…..

I really haven’t had the energy (or inclination) to search through the stacked lumber…in the dark…late at night…..

…..it’s just too spooky…..

But since having my last heart procedure in my rearview mirror…I have more energy…..

…..and apparently more bravery…..

I had a chance to get out there quickly…I was still wearing Patrice…and I fortunately still had a grocery bag shoved in one of her over-stacked pockets…..

…..I always have a good flashlight on my nightstand…..

It was a perfect combination of events for me…but not so good for the toad…..

…..I chased it down…ran after its zigs and zags…and serpentines…..

…..and ultimately grabbed it with the bag…and tied the big toad inside…..

It was HUGE…its body took up all my palm PLUS up to my middle finger joints…..

I routinely euthanize them in our big freezer in the garage…..

…..a very good friend of ours (and Tess’ husband) is an herpetologist…..

*****(What’s an Herpetologist?)*****

He said that by putting them in the freezer…they get chilly & sleepy & go into hibernation…..

…..a veeerrryyy long hibernation…..

I hate having to do it…..

But I have dogs and cats…I don’t need the added vet bills…or possibly loosing any of them to poisoning…..

I do…however…really hate finding bags of long forgotten/frozen toads in the freezer when I’m looking for a roast or frozen broccoli…..

…..but it happens …..




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