~The Bad Etiquette Of Hunters~

~The Bad Etiquette Of Hunters~

Wild Osceola Turkeys In The Goat Pasture…

Let me start out by saying…..I have nothing against hunting…..

Wild Hogs Passing Through The Goat Pasture…

I’ll prepare and eat venison…pheasant…turkey…wild pig…quail…grouse…alligator…..

Deep-Fried  Turkey

…..I grew up on rabbit…and squirrel…..(yes, squirrel)…..(but the big northern ones not the southern/scrawny ones)…..(the southern squirrels are just glorified/mangy/Disney-rats)…..

I have nothing against hunting…..

…..I do have a list of complaints about hunters though…..

The Land In The Back

A couple days ago…..my older daughter and I were wandering around the back property…..

…..it’s the dry season…..so we could get back farther than we normally would have been able to after the water comes up…..

There were signs of hunters all over the place!!!…..

There were broken tree-stands left dangling from tree trunks…..

…..there were camouflaged blinds…..

…..there were new/tall/functional tree stands…..

And there was a bunch of hunter-debris…..

…..I have to wonder what these bubba’s think about…..

~~~~~”I think I’ll go hunting today…I want to spend time outdoors…appreciating Mother Nature’s wonders”~~~~~

…..and then leave all of my litter and refuse and trash behind…..

Whenever we go back into the woods…..we take a trash bag to pick up the beer cans and the beer bottles and the soda bottles…..

(I’ll explain the bone collecting later in another post)

The capped soda bottles are always a treat…..

…..they are usually filled with fluid…..(don’t ask)…..

***Pee Bottles…(yes, you read that right)***

Like I said…..I have nothing against hunting…..

…..After all…..Fox Hunting with my horses is my thing…..

…..but I am logging a complaint to all the hunters out there who litter…..

Take your damned pee-bottles with you when you go home along with your other trash…..

AND stop Jack-Lighting in my neighorhood…

…..( ***Jack-Lighting Explained*** )…..(everybody deserves a good night’s sleep)…..

Not A Florida Deer…..(but I do know where the 10-pointer sleeps)…

…..AND face your tree-stands AWAY from my house!…..

…..AND take your damned pee-pee bottles with you!…..

………….(old housewives shouldn’t have to clean up after you!)………….

My “Discussion” With A Wild Boar…..(we decided that I should leave first)…







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