The Air Conditioning Debacle

The Air Conditioning Debacle

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***What’s a Debacle?***

Our Frozen A/C Pipes…

What’s a debacle?…our air conditioner repair…that’s what’s a debacle…..

It’s a fairly new system…it was installed in 2019…it’s a Carrier…(they’re supposed to be good at this cool-air-stuff…it’s still under warranty)…..

It’s August…in a Florida/steamy swamp…I smell…the daily highs are in the mid to upper 90F’s…with a “feels like” temperature of 115+ degrees…..

This is Day #11 and counting (without air conditioning)…..

Our poorly architected house (***See: “A/C Kaput”***)…is a steaming kettle…..

All of our doors and windows are open…..

Our ceiling fans and multiple floor fans are strategically placed and on max…..

Repairman #1 came…analyzed things…went away…and ordered a part…..

Repairman #2 (a week later) came with the part…installed it…found something else broken…went away…and ordered that part…..

We are now awaiting Repairman #3…(when he can make it)…with whatever part is the next in the line-up to replace…(they still haven’t gotten to the part…that I know is broken)…..

Our Frozen Over A/C Pipes…

…..have I shared this with them…..?…..

…..You Bet’Cha!…..

…..did they listen…..?…..why should they…..?…..I’m not an Air Conditioning Specialist…..

*****But…I have to share a fun/little/additional addendum with you…..*****

…..being without air conditioning in a Florida swamp…in August…is bad enough…..

However…there’s something dead…somewhere out in our front yard (who I can’t locate)…it’s been profoundly-percolating in the current heat & humidity…..

…..I know this because the minimal cross-currents…(that the fans are sucking in through the windows)…are spewing out putrid-dead-carcass-smell throughout our steamy house…..

…..(it’s right up there with that dead-rat-smell in the dining room wall during that fateful Thanksgiving Dinner of long ago)…..

…(okay…I know…this is not a rat’s skeleton)…

Maybe…just maybe…we’ve discovered what remains of one of those two missing/extra/dropped-off roosters?…..

I just figured I’d share…and give you an up-date of our life in the country and our lack of successful air conditioning repair…..

… work here is done…..






#carrierairconditioners #florida #floridasummer #carcass #airconditionerrepair #putrid

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