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Tag: yoga

*Making Lemonade*

*Making Lemonade*

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* Life isn’t easy….. …..”Suck it up, Buttercup”…sometimes becomes a necessary mantra….. Lemony situations are everywhere….. I’m trying to concentrate on remembering & concentrating on the good things that occur….. They so easily slip into a comfortable memory-slot…and just as easily taken for granted….. …..why is that?….. Where the bad things remain emboldened in flashing/throbbing neon lights…permanently searing our retinas….. …..we easily forget that good things happen each and every day….. I’m trying to…

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…You Are What You Think…

…You Are What You Think…

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** This whole medical-thing has aggravated me….. …..I don’t like it….. It’s impacted too much of my life-style…or what I intend my life-style to be….. …..Petulant?….. …..undoubtedly….. …..Stubborn?….. …..eternally….. But perhaps…it’s just choosing a change of perspective….. So…I’ve decided to change the expression from “You Are What You Eat” …to…”You Are What You Think”….. …..(otherwise…I’d be a MoonPie and a mediocre Bourbon & Coke)….. Again…putting aside that flippant but accurate whimsy….. I’ve decided…I’m Healthy……..

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***Hey Everybody…..It’s That Time!***

***Hey Everybody…..It’s That Time!***

*******Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel******* I bet you know what time of year this is….. I bet you do….. I’ll need a show of hands….. Anybody…..?….. Anybody…..?….. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~IT’S HURRICANE SEASON~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~OF COURSE IT IS!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TRA!  LA!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ …..(well…..@#$%^%$$##)….. …..(deep breaths…..deep breaths)….. Well…..buckle-up and get your asthma inhalers….. For some reason…..buying adequate plywood to cover you windows is going to break the bank this year….. …..have you seen the increases in lumber prices!?!….. *****Expensive Wooden Boards—Why?*****…

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