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Tag: Wind Shear

~The Dust Of The Sahara Desert~

~The Dust Of The Sahara Desert~

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Well…we’re deep into Hurricane Season…and so far…there haven’t been any big storms….. Hurricane Debby wrecked a lot of damage and flooding…in areas that aren’t considered flood zones(?)….. It’s still an enigma…one that everyone is trying to figure out….. But here we sit at the end of August…and we’re squeaking along…quietly keeping our fingers crossed….. It’s the beginning of September that is truly the peak of the active hurricane season…with storms both before and…

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***Relief***Guilt***Continued Worry***

***Relief***Guilt***Continued Worry***

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** The affects of Hurricane Ian will be arriving shortly….. …………………right now…it is literally…that calm before the storm………………… We’re already exhausted…both physically & emotionally….. Everything is done…that can be done….. Zone A and Zone B have had mandatory evacuations in our county…(we are inland by about thirty-five miles from the Gulf of Mexico)…so we’re not in any mandatory zone….. (Photo by: National Hurricane Center)—Ian—we’re on a first name basis now)… …..the main North/South Interstate…

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**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** We’re hedging towards August….. We’re zero’ing in on the height of shhhhh…shhhhh…(hurricane season)….. …’s been quiet here so far….. …..shhhhh….. …..maybe if we tip-toe though the middle of August up to & through the Ides of September….. …..we might just luck out and totally skip through this season…..?…..maybe….. …………………Hope Springs Eternal………………… There’s a lot of Sahara dust blowing this way off of the African continent…..(that’s a good thing)….. …..(every surface in my house…

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Wind Shear Is My Friend

Wind Shear Is My Friend

Upper level wind shear can be a good thing. *****Wind Shear Explained*****   It’s a very good thing to have around during Hurricane Season.   Meteorologists have a list of their own terms & jargon that anyone living in Florida learns and clings to from June through November. Upper Level Wind Shear is a warm-fuzzy term… When I hear that word-combination bandied about, it makes me happy… Wind Shear is a weather condition that blows around way up high… It…

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