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Tag: vultures

~When The Party’s Over~

~When The Party’s Over~

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* In the past…(and currently)…… …..we’ve been the roadside rest stop for buzzards….. There’s something appealing about our land….. …..(I suppose that’s a bit macabre)…(and maybe I should be a little bit insulted)….. Nice roosts…nice shade…nice stagnant water source….. Some people don’t like vultures…(with good reason)….. Sometimes the birds have less that socially acceptable behaviors…(by a long shot)….. … their eating habits & taste palette…which could be considered less than popularly desirable….. But they…

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*A Snickers Post-Script*

*A Snickers Post-Script*

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* Well…this is an odd conundrum….. …..but I thought I should add it in as a footnote….. As I said in last week’s post…Snickers died…after a great deal of care and ministrations….. My older daughter was very committed in trying to nurse both Fatty Patty and Snickers back to health….. …..and save them both….. … far Fatty Patty is still vertical and amongst us………….Snickers…not so much….. But added to that…is an additional unfortunate/macabre event……..

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We Are “The Roost”

We Are “The Roost”

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** It’s official….. We are the neighborhood Five-Star “Roost for Vultures”….. …..Doctor Brigid deemed it so….. I don’t mind…I kind of like it… …..we’ve been chosen  &  declared appropriate for the area’s Black Vultures….. They’ve been here for months and months….. …..they stay in the back goat pasture….. Their official ground-zero is Mama Pig’s pen….. …..she lets them stay…I think she cuddles & naps with a few of them…Vinny…Victor…Veronica…&…Gustav….. …(I bet she doesn’t share…

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~~~A Goat Tale~~~

~~~A Goat Tale~~~

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** The Professor was an old man….. …..when Doctor Brigid was over recently…she commented on his age….. …..we couldn’t remember how old he was…he’d been here for years…I haven’t looked at his papers yet….. I guess by now…you’ve realized…I’m using the past tense….. Professor Dillamond died right before Hurricane Ian….. … was a peaceful death…he had a long life…he was a good boy….. But then with the approaching hurricane…other priorities took over…where the Professor…

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~~~A Slice Of Country~~~

~~~A Slice Of Country~~~

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** This will be a short post….. I figured that the following pictures would speak for themselves….. We order our groceries and other stuff once a month from Walmart….. It gets delivered…and left at the front gate…on our mounting block….. Walmart texts us to let us know when it’s coming & when it arrives….. We go out with a wheelbarrow and pick it up in a timely-fashion…you know because of the produce and frozen…

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The Buzzard’s Like Us…

The Buzzard’s Like Us…

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** “The Boys” seem to like us….. They appear to have taken up permanent residency in the back pasture…all around Mama Pig’s pen….. … father used to refer to a group of buzzards as “the Boys”…(I’m sure fifty percent of them were probably girls…but they were always just “the Boys” to my Dad)….. Normally they are only here for “a reason”….. … unfortunate (but necessary) clean-up-on-aisle-six-sort-of-thing….. But now they seem to be here permanently…..(?)……..

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The Necessity of Vultures

The Necessity of Vultures

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Vultures (or buzzards) are a necessary bird….. They get a bad rap…..but they do a great service….. …..there are lots of “clean-ups on Aisle 6” when you’re on a farm or in the country….. …..vultures are efficient…..and surprisingly quick….. They have a pecking-order (HA!) and a running-tally-system of what gets eaten first…second…and third….. We collect the skeletons of what’s left after the vultures and insects have finished their clean-up-duties….. …..actually…..I’m not sure why…

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Embracing The Scavenger Within

Embracing The Scavenger Within

I had to follow up on my last post….. My older daughter & I did go out in “the back”….. …..we went back there with the intention of checking on the “status” of the late Isabella’s and Optimus Prime’s carcasses….. Vultures and buzzards have a necessary role to play in the world….. And the vultures have been very busy birds here….. …..a lot of people don’t like them….. …..we just refer to them as~~~”The Boys”~~~(my father started that label…..and it’s…

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~~~That Muddy Lump~~~

~~~That Muddy Lump~~~

  This is a continuation of the muddy situation in the last post….. This is what Problem #1 was all about….. That muddy lump in the pig sty….. …..was not just a muddy lump….. ….when I slogged over to that afore-mentioned-feathery-blob….. … turned out to be a mud-covered hen….. …..wallowing and thoroughly mired in the mud….. Remember that one silly/stupid hen who insisted on perching & roosting on one of the corner posts of the pig sty?….. …..rather than going…

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…..again with the pigs!!!…..

…..again with the pigs!!!…..

Apparently we are extremely slow learners….. Or maybe the pigs are just faster than we are….. It seems like so many of my recent posts are about our on-going-pig-saga….. …..if you ever want an easy (and quick) reproducible supply of meat…..or pets…..or bridge partners…..or…..that extra hand for a game of canasta….. …..then, I highly recommend keeping pigs….. We don’t seem to be able to get ahead of “that-pig-population-curve”….. …..what can I say…..we have very friendly pigs….. But we think we…

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