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Tag: tornado

***A Florida Cold Front*****

***A Florida Cold Front*****

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** We had an incredible weather-line come through yesterday morning….. There were tornado warnings all along the west coast of Florida….. We knew it was coming…every radar showed it sweeping our way from left to right across the country….. There were some very dramatic weather changes that were forecasted…from what was in front of the “front”…compared to what came behind it….. Our biggest worry was that we had to leave the house in the…

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Tornado Watch

Tornado Watch

  A few days ago we had a storm-front fly through. It was very theatric.     Next month is the “official start” of the rainy season here in our sub-tropical area of Florida.     But there was a lulu of a storm that recently dumped on us in preparation for our soggy season. I was coming up to the house from the back pasture having just been back there re-filling the bee’s feeders.   Hoo Boy! The wind…

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