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Tag: “The Twelve Days of Christmas”

New Year’s Normalcy

New Year’s Normalcy

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** It’s time to get back to the normalcy of everyday life…(whatever that is)….. The Holidays are Great…don’t get me wrong….. …’s a roller coaster from Halloween right through the New Years and the Twelfth Day Of Christmas…(which is today)….. This is the Epiphany…the day that young men dive to retrieve the cross that’s been blessed & thrown into the waters off Tarpon Springs by the Greek Orthodox Archbishop….. ***(The Tarpon Springs Epiphany Celebration)***…

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The Fifth Day Of Turkey

The Fifth Day Of Turkey

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** We’re on the Fifth Day of Turkey………….(left-overs)….. I can’t complain….. It’s still nummy yummy good….. All it takes is nuking a plateful…and you’ve got a complete/balanced/nutritious dinner….. …..(I don’t recommend microwaving the canned cranberry sauce though…it doesn’t come out looking the same…more like pock-marked grout)….. But we are currently on the fifth day of turkey consumption…(with more on the horizon)….. It’s what’s for dinner…(again)….. …..there’s gotta be a song for that….. …..oh, wait………

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