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Tag: Tess

~Country Entertainment~

~Country Entertainment~

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Your perspective changes when you live in the country….. Things that are considered entertainment in an urban or suburban environment…sometimes loose their appeal…when you’re out in the sticks….. I recently had a conversation with my old friend…Tess….. I was so excited about planning an idea for some future entertainment….. I had to share it with someone…and I knew she’d understand…we go way back…(way…way…back)….. During the summer heat in subtropical Florida…you do a lot…

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~And The Year Begins Again~

~And The Year Begins Again~

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* Yesterday was the shortest day of the year….. …..the Winter Solstice….. It’s just about pitch black by 5:00pm every evening now….. Awhile ago we started this relaxed annual tradition of having a bonfire on the Winter Solstice….. …..and we’ve had one ever since…kind of on-again…off-again…but semi-planned…nonetheless….. It’s fun…it’s pleasant…it’s relaxing….. The Infamous Big Purple Cups are involved…along with mediocre bourbon and cheap wine coolers…(good hang-over material)….. …..junk food…S’mores…cookies….. … know…a healthy meal….. Weather-willing…lawn…

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*Defamation of Terrier*

*Defamation of Terrier*

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** All the terriers I’ve ever known say they have been maligned with inflammatory & untrue accusations….. Throughout history terriers believe they have been misunderstood….. …..that complaint inevitably follows this breed of dogs….. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~The  Terrier  Group~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My daughters’ have always loved the movie “Best In Show”….. …..(***(Best In Show—the Movie)***)….. …..where I drift towards The Hound Group…my family has always decidedly preferred the Terriers….. …..Terrible Terriers….. As I sit here at the kitchen table…I…

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*****The Fifth Of July*****

*****The Fifth Of July*****

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** It’s the day after the Fourth of July….. A good time was had by all…(except for some exhausted frenetic dogs)….. Today…we’ll be having left-overs—baked beans…corn-on-the-cob…barbecue…the usual….. …..always good on the second day….. The various streets and sidewalks smell like burnt gunpowder and sulphur from matches….. The residue of Roman candles, bottle rockets and sparkler wires are everywhere….. Those of us with animals are taking a deep breath…and a sigh of relief….. I always…

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~~~The Bane of Bufos~~~

~~~The Bane of Bufos~~~

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** The warm season has officially begun….. I’ve been chasing down the first Bufo Toad of the season….. *****(More Information of Bufo Toads)***** I only see them after dark…I usually only spot them with my flashlight….. They are very wary….. And…they’re very fast….. …..once I see one…I have to go and get a plastic grocery bag (so I have something to catch it in)….. …..I don’t want the Bufo’s to stay here…because of the…

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~~~Guard Donkey~~~

~~~Guard Donkey~~~

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** My last post was about a flock of Black Vultures who took up residency in our goat pasture….. I’m totally cool with them co-habitating with us….. …..I also understand that the world is made up of different creatures…who can only be…what they were meant to be….. …..Vultures…are…Vultures….. They will reliably look like a vulture….. …..and reliably act like a vulture….. I think people make the mistake of trying to expect more from an…

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~~~The Infamous Big/Purple Cups~~~

~~~The Infamous Big/Purple Cups~~~

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** I know I’ve mentioned these cups in previous posts….. They’re famous….. I figured they deserved a post all their own….. They’ve been a staple here for a very/very long time…..decades in fact….. Earlier…I also wrote about our equally-famous wine coolers….. ~~~~~~~Carlo Rossi and Diet Mountain Dew~~~~~~~ I know you’re probably curling your lip…you’re already shaking your head…and you’ve made a mental note to never let that crap pass your lips….. …..but you’d be…

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Summer Solstice

Summer Solstice

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Here in the Swamp…’s really dark at night….. It’s fun to sit out and watch the stars…..(if the bugs…suffocating heat…and… the rain let you)….. We always have more than enough wood to burn…..bonfires are actually a necessity….. There’s so much that keeps falling…’s a constant clean-up….. …..after a storm…..there’s always more….. …..(plus we have a tin roof…..and when a dead branch falls on that…..EVERYONE takes notice)….. Tomorrow will be the Summer Solstice…..the longest…

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