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Tag: Sub-Tropical Florida

***Cold Snap—Tra La***

***Cold Snap—Tra La***

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** It was cold when we got up yesterday morning….. …..some weather changes came through in the night….. …..and it made things cold…(well…cold for Florida)…it was a Snap!….. …..A Genuine Cold Snap!….. It was even colder this morning…we were in the 40’s F….. … Raynaud’s Syndrome kicked into gear in my hands….. …..(What’s Raynaud’s Syndrome?)…(I prefer to call it “cadaver-fingers”)….. I ignore it…I think it’s connected with my fibromyalgia….. …..Whatever….. But…with a Cold Snap…there’s…

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***My Pony Gets A Trim***

***My Pony Gets A Trim***

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** It’s that time of year…..again….. The horse’s winter coats are coming in….. …..more than what’s necessary….. Draft horses (especially) get wooly and fuzzy and furry in the winter….. …..which is okay for the frigid North….. …..but really not so much in the tepid/luke-warm/chilliness of one of Florida’s sub-tropical winters….. Body clipping enables us to get in closer to the skin…..shovel out…

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