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Tag: Sabine



*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* Sabine…is a hound dog…pure and simple….. She’s sweet…she wants to please…what more could you ask?….. Sabine wants to be good…sometimes…she just forgets what being good means….. …..she usually (almost always) forgets what being good means….. Sabine never grew out of her puppyhood chewing phase….. When we need to leave the house…we have to Sabine-proof everything….. … have to think of things from Sabine’s point of view—it’s so easy—it’s hard….. She doesn’t think in…

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*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* Remember Sabine?….. Pretty Irish Wolfhound….. Nice furnishings….. Upright feet….. Good conformation….. Pretty eyes….. ………….idiot…………. She’s the one that’s not the brightest crayon in the box….. Before being born…she got in the line for trains…when they were handing out brains….. …..and she’s proved it………….again….. She’s way too old (dare I say matured?) to still be chewing up random things….. …..and yet….. If left unchecked…she’ll slip off into the bathroom and take the hand towel…

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*Chicken Vending Machine*

*Chicken Vending Machine*

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** ~~~(I had planned this post right after the Sabine-Post of 08/28/23)~~~ ~~~(but Idalia elbowed her way in and took the stage)~~~ Remember the aforementioned Sabine?….. …..and her insomniatic hunting & pecking with her nose….. … the bathroom by my bedroom?….. Well…we’re going to re-visit that scenario now….. …..(btw:  her routine hasn’t changed)….. Where Was I?….. Along with her poking the light switch in the master bathroom with her nose….. …..(and subsequently waking me…

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~~~Serendipitous & Tricksey Sabine~~~

~~~Serendipitous & Tricksey Sabine~~~

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Maybe this post should more accurately be called…”The Saga of Sabine”….. This poor ole’ hound…she’s still not the sharpest knife in the drawer….. …..and her nose keeps getting her in trouble….. She’s the kind of hound my Father would’ve  loved….. He’d say she’s perfect…not too smart…all hound-business & focus…with a decent enough nose….. …..that dog’ll hunt….. You might remember that the chicken coop is just off of my bedroom….. …’s through a glass…

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Back Yard Politics vs. the World…..

Back Yard Politics vs. the World…..

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Who needs the real world when multiple social & political venues unfold in my backyard?….. …..I just had to put myself in the middle of the dust-swirling aftermath of a backyard scuffle….. …..”something” happened….. Inside the house…we felt the thud….. …..someone got yeeted….. We heard the squeaks and then multiple snarls & growls….. I quickly found myself standing in the middle of agitated milling hounds…trying to piece together what had happened….. The story…

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*Chimney Repair*

*Chimney Repair*

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Yep…our chimney’s needed some prompt attention for quite some time now….. Replacing the chimney cap can’t be put off any longer….. We used to be a one bucket family….. But now we’ve progressed to being a two bucket home….. And…I’d like to point out that during rain storms…the rainwater runs down the chimney…across the hearth…and onto the den floor in a sooty-slurry….. …..messy stuff….. …..(however…it does have a nice after-burn/creosote smell to it…I…

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~~~Opposable Thumbs~~~

~~~Opposable Thumbs~~~

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** …..Opposable Thumbs….. …..are they necessary?….. …..well in this household…..apparently not….. !~~~~~NEWS FLASH~~~~~! I had thought I was going crazy…..(again)….. …..but apparently there are a number of our animals who have and use other body parts in lieu of opposable thumbs….. *****What’s An Opposable Thumb***** In the past…..I knew Copernicus could & would turn on & off light switches….. …..I even had…

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Conniving Hounds

Conniving Hounds

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** They got me up at 4:16 am this morning….. …..(by “they” I mean…..the Irish Wolfhounds)….. …..they didn’t intend to wake me up….. …..they would have been much happier if I’d just kept sleeping in blissful ignorance….. …..but as a mother and a farmer…..I’ve developed that “extra” sense….. …..that sense that tells me…..when things aren’t right….. Not that I want to be…..but…

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~~~The Children~~~

~~~The Children~~~

*****Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel***** I raised my two daughters like they were puppies….. But in this situation…..I am not talking about my bi-ped babies….. …..I’m talking about my furry babies….. …..Sabine, Sloane, & Val….. …..Our Three Muses….. They are the girls from the deluge of Irish Wolfhound litters from about 1 1/2 years ago…..(I don’t EVER plan on doing THAT EVER EVER again)…..! But the fuzzy-children are semi-domesticated & trained now….. …..if I…

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~~~The Pup Trio~~~

~~~The Pup Trio~~~

I thought I should write an update on the three puppy-girls (who we kept from the cascade of litters that recently occurred)….. (BTW—at this point in time……I am no where close to even considering ANYONE whelping another litter…..I’m still recuperating) We kept Sabine from Killian’s puppies…..that first litter was over a year ago now….. And we kept Sloane out of Willow’s litter from last November….. And then there’s the young lady from Molly’s litter from last March—–that’s Val…..(Code of Chivalry)……..

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