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Tag: Round Pen

The Sweep Delivered

The Sweep Delivered

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Mister Sweep has come…swept…and deemed our fireplace….. …..Fire-Worthy….. …..apparently the creosote accumulation wasn’t that bad….. Phew………….I was expecting bad news….. …..the people who worked on enclosing our porch…said that the stucco was cracked on the exterior of the chimney…and needed to be repaired & re-stuccoed (btw: they did stuccoing)….. We knew we needed a chimney cap…’cuz there wasn’t one….. We knew we wanted the interior checked for cracks…(there weren’t any)…. …..I don’t burn…

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Goats In The Round Pen

Goats In The Round Pen

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** Like I said…..the errant goats are now contained in the round pen….. …..and we have a plan….. My older daughter just bought a used aluminum two-horse trailer….. It’s a gooseneck….. Her truck has a gooseneck ball-hitch in its bed already….. Where we need to take the goats would be too restrictive for my big trailer….. ….her’s will be speedy/nifty/& zippy….. Easy…

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On Down The Road

On Down The Road

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** Just like the recent over-population of pigs….. We now have an over-population of goats….. …..the herd needs “thinning down”….. If you want to sound cool in rural-lingo…’s referred to as a “herd-reduction sale”….. …..what that really means is…..we didn’t plan this right…..and now we’ve got way too many goats…..!…… So now we are having to deal with our own “goat herd…

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A Special Gate For Addy

A Special Gate For Addy

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** Well Buckle-Up ButterCup….. Addy has her own special gate now….. … that I can lead her preciousness into the round pen….. …..(and work her butt off)….. …..(and remind her just how a well-behaved pony should act)….. …..prior to that I would’ve had to walk her right past Brave….. … order to reach the round pen gate….. …..Brave thought that was a…

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Fat Addy…(cont.)…

Fat Addy…(cont.)…

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** Fat Addy’s new fitness program continues….. …..well…..she doesn’t know yet….. …..but it’s on it’s way….. …’s just around the corner….. I got the new/appropriate gate…..(for the round pen)….. … was delivered by my feed store (after some quick price comparisons with HomeDepot)….. …..remember the necessary gate?….. …..the one needed to get Addy into the round pen without running the risk of…

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Oh Where…..Oh Where…..?

Oh Where…..Oh Where…..?

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** Florida foliage flourishes in the summer….. …..boy-oh-boy!…..that’s an understatement!….. I swear…..I only blinked….. …..and the round pen disappeared into excessively-aggressive-greenery-growth….. Poof! … was gone….. It’s somewhere under all of that extreme foliage & flora….. …..okay…..maybe it was a little bit longer than the blink of an eye….. …..(I’m still on one crutch thanks to Addy and her contemptible/tricksy/kick of over TWO…

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~~~Who’s A Good Boy!?!~~~

~~~Who’s A Good Boy!?!~~~

*****Yes You Are!*****………………………*****Yes You Are!***** Good Boy, Brave!!!…………………Good Boy!!! Let me cut to the chase….. Brave is now wearing his halter….. …..and he wears it daily….. …..all the time….. It took FOREVER to get it on his little pony head! But we perservered and prevailed…..!!!….. Brave’s a big…..(huge)…..dopey/lap dog…..(with loads of muscle and dinner-plate-sized hooves)….. …..(and those hooves could mow you over in a heartbeat)….. But Rhiannon did it! She’s been patient and persistent….. …..and she continues to “gentle” him……..

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~~~More Brave-ness~~~

~~~More Brave-ness~~~

Brave’s training continues… He acts like a big, brave, silly pony… Nobody takes him seriously… He’s doing figure-eights in the round pen now……. …..he responds with hand signals alone… Rhiannon can stop him and walk up to him now and put her hands all over him….. …..that sounds kind of rude, doesn’t it?… We’ve decided that we need to braid his forelock…’s too voluminous…..and it’s getting in the way… (it is luxurious though…..I wish I had that mane…..he even has…

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—–Brave Is Learning His A.B.C.’s—–

—–Brave Is Learning His A.B.C.’s—–

It’s never too late for learning new things… Brave has had his private-pasture-party for too long… We imprinted on him when he was first born here on our property… …..but then…he got to slide with regards to his training… … joints crapped out on me…..I needed multiple replacements…..then post-surgery recuperation and rehab… …..all the while…time rolled past… …..and Brave got bigger… He’s not a bad boy…..he’s just intimidating in his hugeness… He knows he’s big….. He won’t run you over…..or…

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Round Pen

Round Pen

What’s a round pen…….(?) … may well ask……. We have a round pen……. .*****Round Pen ~~~ What’s It All About?***** Round pens are used in horse training… ***Just In Case You Wanted More Round Pen Information*** We’ve had a large/heavy-duty round pen with multiple panels for a long time… It was rarely used… It needs sanding and re-painting…..(again)… It also needs some re-welding… I’ve tried some of my own repairs with my handy-dandy Mig welder……. *****To MIG?…..Or To TIG?…..That Is…

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