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Tag: Rhode Island Red

The Great Aunts of the Farm

The Great Aunts of the Farm

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** You might be wondering…why I choose the breeds of chickens that I order….. There is………….(some)………….logic to it….. My recent orders have been a bit flamboyant…(I just wanted to see what some of the different breeds looked like…and behaved)….. But…I always order the giant layers…that’s easy logic….. …..pick the biggest chicken possible…for the biggest eggs….. Bantams are cute and diminutive…but their eggs are ridiculously small….. …..they’ve got cranky little attitudes…with screechy high-pitched squawks &…

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Confessions of a Poultry Addict

Confessions of a Poultry Addict

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Okay…you’d think after my recent raccoon altercations….. …..that I wouldn’t even consider ordering more chickens…(or ducks)….. You would probably think that…and that would be a reasonable and sensible consensus….. …..but you’d be wrong….. …..I did order more baby chicks…(and ducklings)….. I only purchased pullets (baby girls) and not cockerels (baby boys)…(except for one)….. …..(you know…to avoid that whole subsequent A.M. Rooster Cacophony)….. …..I even paid more for all pullets….. However…the mail-order hatcheries do…

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Rooster Rex Is Fading

Rooster Rex Is Fading

*******Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel******* We’ve lost two Buff Orpington hens and one Rhode Island Red within the last couple of months….. I can’t remember the last time I had actually bought those two breeds….. … was awhile ago…..four or five years at least(?)….. They were big ole’ mama hens….. …..and I just found them in the coop…..dead…..(?)….. … cause that I could see….. …..just flopped over….. Yesterday I noticed Rooster Rex (#1) looking droopy…

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