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Tag: red neck

…Red-Neck Feet–(et al)…

…Red-Neck Feet–(et al)…

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* …..probably not a well-chosen topic….. ~~~~~~~~~We’ll just label this one…Inappropriate Post #362~~~~~~~~~ But a topic that might bear some attention…(or not?)….. ~~~~~~~Southern People’s Feet~~~~~~~ Living up North…it gets cold for part of the year….. Socks are necessary…outer-footwear is a must…if you want to keep all your toes….. People are geared to moisturizing everything that’s chapped…including their feet….. But here in the South…where it’s always humid & moldy….. …..there’s a weather-related laxity…some could call…

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Red Neck

Red Neck

I thoroughly qualify as an authentic “red-neck” now. My neck is so burned. It’s red, and super-tan.  Really it’s more like a brown paper grocery bag………..and just as crispy too. I have to roll up my tee shirt sleeves to avoid the sleeve-tan-line and subsequent glaring white shoulders.   I could wear a hat. I should wear a hat.     I can barely remember to wear my work gloves.  And that’s only because Patrice keeps them stashed in the…

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