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Tag: pvc

~Fun With Water Tanks~

~Fun With Water Tanks~

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Earlier this week…I talked about the “rubbish” that was at the bottom of our water tanks….. I thought this post could discuss water tanks and their added paraphernalia and why….. …..(Geez…that sounds so boring)….. But it’s really not…it’s super interesting…and I’ll make it fun….. There are good reasons for all of it…(really there are)….. …..usually….. Florida has lots of bugs…specifically…Florida has lots of mosquitoes….. They need standing water to lay their eggs….. …..during…

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………….It’s Begun………….

………….It’s Begun………….

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** It’s the first day of the 2022 Hurricane Season….. It’s begun….. “They” say it should be more active than last year…..(?)….. …..(sigh)….. “They” know what they’re talking about….. ***2022 Hurricane Predictions by NOAA*** Apparently the on-going (very active) La Niña is responsible for the up-tick in storms….. She’s just dancing away out there stirring up meteorological trends and tendencies….. …..those tendencies could have their tendencies right over us….. …..damn…… …..(sigh)….. …..(SIGH)….. …..(DOUBLE SIGH)……..

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The Well Head ~~~ (re-visited)

The Well Head ~~~ (re-visited)

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** Thar She Blows!….. Even though we are over thirty-five miles inland from the Gulf of Mexico….. …..we have our very own whale breaching in the back yard….. …..a huge spewing geyser….. There are pretty rainbows all over the back yard when the sun shines through the cascading water….. I’m sure it’s very stressful for the well’s pump motor….. It’s yet again…..another…

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The Well-Head…

The Well-Head…

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** Sounds ominous…..?….. ……doesn’t it…..?….. To put it mildly…..if your well-head isn’t happy…..ain’t nobody happy….. Given a choice…..I’d rather have my own well-water rather than processed-city-water….. For the last thirty years…..we’ve had our own well-water….. We are on our second well here on this property….. ……it’s had to do with the “water-wars”…..”over-pumping”…..”over-development”….. …..and the limited/precious commodity of fresh/clean/drinking water….. Mostly we’ve had…

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To Fix Or Not To Fix…….

To Fix Or Not To Fix…….

  It’s never good to put off repairs… I’ve learned over the years that when you first notice something needs fixing……………………that’s the time to fix it… I have learned this… Yes, I have…   I just haven’t learned to listen to that inner voice that tells me to fix something RIGHT THEN!!! So a little while ago, I noticed that the post in the ground (that secured the PVC hose connection) had rotted. It’s an important hose.  We use it…

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