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Tag: Pop Pop Soup

~~Cow Heel Soup~~

~~Cow Heel Soup~~

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* As we already know…I was raised on a small homestead-type Ohio farm….. I live on a small similar-type farm in Florida now….. I guess I’ve always been a functional homesteader and didn’t know it….. But that was what everyone did back in the 1950’s and ’60’s….. … planted things…you ate the things you planted…and you canned the rest….. …’s been engrained in me from the socks up….. ***(On An Aside:  My daughter recently…

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~It’s Soup Time~

~It’s Soup Time~

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** We’re deep into our Florida winter months….. The winter weather can be harsh…..and cold…..and hostile….. … lips got chapped yesterday….. …..(I think)….. The temperature dropped into the forties….. … might go lower tonight….. I’m not worried about Long John Silver (our geriatric Cockatoo)….. …..he’s on our porch now…..and it’s closed in….. … he’ll be warm and okay tonight….. This is the…

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