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Tag: Pascal



**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** I’m quite certain my computer’s sick….. It’s started making internal clicky-noises after I’ve been typing for awhile….. The noise is coming from somewhere under the keyboard….. …..maybe it’s a lost kernel of candy corn from last Halloween…..or a Lego…..or a piece of a pretzel….. I don’t know….. …..we’re still looking for that lost house key…… …..whatever it is…..I don’t think it’s supposed to be there….. If some of my near-future posts are less…

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Communing With Pascal

Communing With Pascal

  *******Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel******* I don’t talk to people much….. …..(and it’s out of choice)….. I fit in with animals better than I do with people…..always have….. However… with this COVID-19 pandemic….. …..(plus being encouraged by ALL the powers-that-be NOT to talk to people)….. …..being anti-social has become the encouraged-norm….. And…..we all know….. …..I’ve NEVER gone against the system OR the encouraged-norm….. …..never ever…..(not once)….. I have no problem chatting with animals……..

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*****Boiled Peanuts & The Art Of Southern Snacking*****

*****Boiled Peanuts & The Art Of Southern Snacking*****

I’ll put this out there….. …..I’m a Northerner by origin….. … none of what I’m about to say comes from a true/dyed-in-the-wool Southerner….. But over the years I’ve absorbed some of the nuances of southern-country-snack-habits and southern-cooking….. I’ve always believed in Crisco….. …’s a universal/gob of usefulness…..north or south of the Mason Dixon line….. …..Crisco rules….. ***Bob Explains Crisco~~~Plus Yummy Recipes*** (but to be honest…..I’ve recently gravitated to lard…..) (shhhhhhhhh, Pascal…’s yummy good in its lardiness….and…..don’t let anybody know that…

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Clean-Up On Aisle Six

Clean-Up On Aisle Six

I need distractions…….I’m going stir-crazy……. Anything to take my focus away from making puppy formula and smelling like old yoghurt and sour milk… I found myself peeling dried/cracked egg yolk from around my fingernails yesterday evening…..(at least, I think it was dried egg yolk…(?)…) I did FINALLY take a shower…….maybe this is TMI…….what do you think, Pascal…..? I mean…….I’m not really sure when the last one was…….one day just blends into another……. …’s all a blur……. …..taking nano-naps takes priority…

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All Disney Names, and No Oscars

All Disney Names, and No Oscars

Remember when I explained how we give temporary names to all of our puppies (prior to their new owners giving them their forever names)? Sleep deprivation always plays into the naming-lottery. With Killian’s recent litter, we had Alice, Betty, Joan, Rachel, Bruce, and Oscar… I don’t know where the names come from…….they just pop up in my head. …..(just like my series of Astronomer and Mathematician names for the cats)….. …..I actually thought that Killian’s baby (who I named Oscar)…….was…

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Numb Toes

Numb Toes

  I’ve been riding a lot recently………………..well, a lot for me. I’ve been Hunting more than I ever have in the past.  Body and horse willing, I intend to keep up this agenda. Any day now the sore body and sore muscles and sore joints should start subsiding………………….any day now………………..any day now. I don’t understand why some of my toes on my feet are remaining numb———–to varying degrees………………depending on which toe. My boots are very stiff.  They were bargain basement…

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Perigee Moons

Perigee Moons

  Between December and the last day of this month, there have been (or will be) three full moons in perigee.  (Quick definition:  Perigee means the point where the moon’s (or anything’s) orbit is the closest to the earth.) So the last three full moons in a row have been at their closest point in their normal orbit around the earth, which means they look super big. Hence they’re are called “Super Moons”. They’re Super.  Super bright.  Super close.  Super…

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Riding Again (with Modifications)

Riding Again (with Modifications)

We’ve established.  I’m not proud.  I will accomplish what I have to, when I have to, and it doesn’t have to be pretty. I’ve hauled and Hunted three consecutive times now in a row.  And I am planning to again this coming Wednesday. I must have some muscles left.  I know this because whatever is left of my phantom musculature is screaming and whining………………..but that’s a good thing………………………it has to be…………..(?)  Throwing in the towel is not an option. What…

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