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Tag: Paolo

Paolo & Me

Paolo & Me

After more than forty-two years of marital bliss, you kind of get to know each other……. You know favorite foods……. You know if he’s going to accelerate or slow down at a yellow traffic light…..(FYI…he never slows down)…… You know he’s never going to turn his socks right-side-out. … know topics that are safe to talk about……. … know the ones to avoid…………………at all cost. …..or sometimes to just launch into for a lark….. …..just because…….and always with dramatic-flair……. …..sometimes…

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Paolo Is Back Home

Paolo Is Back Home

The evening before last, Paolo returned from England… It’s always hard to wrap your head around just how big this globe is… He got on a plane at about noon (British time)…….he got off a plane 7:00-ish Eastern Standard Time here… …..but in between, you add a bunch of hours… away from the revolution of this planet (and the sun)…… …..scoop an ocean behind you……. …..and Voila! … are deposited in Tampa on a muggy evening……. … the middle of…

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Dorian Approacheth…..

Dorian Approacheth…..

The spaghetti models are running amuck… We are all feeling whiplashed by that stupid pasta… Our favorite meteorologist is looking haggard… My stomach acids are typically/seasonally churning away just like the hurricanes… Dorian is gaining strength over the very warm waters in the tropics… We are all watching the hinging-point of where he will ultimately make landfall……. …….there is a high-pressure system in the Atlantic Ocean that will determine when Dorian makes a turn from going to the west…….to heading…

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