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Tag: pandemic



*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** What with the pandemic….. …..different forms of entertainment have come about…..or become more commonplace….. … “Streaming”….. …..(I’ve only just figured out that’s what I’ve been doing)….. …..(I’ve also noticed that our TV screen no longer shows the color green…..but that’s a problem for another time)….. With regards to this “streaming-thing”…..I’m only allowed to play the consummate viewer/observer/watcher….. I leave the necessary/multiple-remote-coordinations…

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Communing With Pascal

Communing With Pascal

  *******Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel******* I don’t talk to people much….. …..(and it’s out of choice)….. I fit in with animals better than I do with people…..always have….. However… with this COVID-19 pandemic….. …..(plus being encouraged by ALL the powers-that-be NOT to talk to people)….. …..being anti-social has become the encouraged-norm….. And…..we all know….. …..I’ve NEVER gone against the system OR the encouraged-norm….. …..never ever…..(not once)….. I have no problem chatting with animals……..

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***Covid-19 Adjustments***

***Covid-19 Adjustments***

We’ve all had to make adjustments with this global pandemic….. So many simple daily routines have gone by the wayside….. Elbow-smacks replace hugs….. …..(btw…..they’ll never replace hugs)….. People look naked now if they don’t have on face masks….. I’ve seen a cool trend of color-coordinating face masks with outfits….. …..(we knew that fashion-trend was just a matter of time)….. Maybe I could make masks out of denim over-all remnants…..(?)….. …..on second thought…..knowing what my over-all’s have been through….. …..why would…

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*******Our Hunt Club Tea******* ~~~Tra! La!~~~

*******Our Hunt Club Tea******* ~~~Tra! La!~~~

It’s prep time!!! It’s cooking & baking time!!! It’s transport time!!! It’s TEA TIME!!! I love it!!! The apples have been peeled and doused in a lemon juice bath (to avoid browning)…..and they are awaiting their pie crusts….. All of the potatoes have been peeled and boiled…..and the necessary additives have been added (and those would be the poundage of sweet butter along with the gallons of heavy cream)….. (like I’ve said before… might as well just spackle my lumpy/mashed potatoes…

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Pandemic Potluck Tea

Pandemic Potluck Tea

I think the versatility of the human race has certainly been illustrated with the advent of COVID-19….. Everyone has had to custom-tailor their lives….. I’ve watched choral and orchestral adaptations on-line….. …..and wonderful ballet compositions posted on YouTube….. (I’ll see if I can find one) *****Paris Ballet***** Our Fox Hunt Club has made adaptations too….. …..we are still hunting….. …..the great outdoors is a safer place to be….. … of the last Hunts had a 7.5 mile coyote run….. ……

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~~Self-Quarantining During~~ COVID-19

~~Self-Quarantining During~~ COVID-19

This morning I had to go out……. …..(off the property even)……………… I had to drive multiple miles to the clinic of an old vet friend of mine… (I have a lot of old vet friends)…..(both large and small animal vets) I knew I’d been home for quite a while… But, I hadn’t figured out just how long that had been… …..I’ve been home and house-bound a very long time with Molly’s puppies…..or Willow’s puppies…..or Killian’s puppies……. …..since…..forever… I meant it…

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