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Tag: “Ole Sparky”

*****Idalia…the days after*****

*****Idalia…the days after*****

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Hurricane Idalia did as promised and motored through….. We were incredibly lucky….. We only had extra wind and extra rain….. …..others were not so lucky….. We live thirty-five miles from the Gulf of Mexico…so storm surge is not an issue…for us….. …..(swamp surge…maybe)….. Most of my friends made it through unscathed….. … friends who live south of us in Cape Coral…and Wimauma…weren’t in the hurricane cross-hairs…this time….. …..(they were last year with Hurricane…

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***Invest 96L…Then…Tropical Storm Ian…Now…Hurricane Ian***

***Invest 96L…Then…Tropical Storm Ian…Now…Hurricane Ian***

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Invest 96L…became a Tropical Storm…and then Hurricane Ian….. …..with a proper name….. ………….it’s Ian…………. ………….Yay!………….sigh…………. We’re all glued to the updates from the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration….. …..(NOAA)….. …..You gotta get with the jargon:  spaghetti models…cones of influence…projections…(my beloved Wind Shear)—(there’s not enough)…evacuation routes…enhanced satellite imagery…tides…storm surges…long duration event….. …..sigh………….it can make you crazy (or crazier)….. …..if we’re in Ian’s path…it looks like it’s projection could hit on Wednesday…or Thursday…who knows!?!….. … many…

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………….It’s Begun………….

………….It’s Begun………….

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** It’s the first day of the 2022 Hurricane Season….. It’s begun….. “They” say it should be more active than last year…..(?)….. …..(sigh)….. “They” know what they’re talking about….. ***2022 Hurricane Predictions by NOAA*** Apparently the on-going (very active) La Niña is responsible for the up-tick in storms….. She’s just dancing away out there stirring up meteorological trends and tendencies….. …..those tendencies could have their tendencies right over us….. …..damn…… …..(sigh)….. …..(SIGH)….. …..(DOUBLE SIGH)……..

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*Chick Eating Grin*

*Chick Eating Grin*

*******Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel******* Remember those silly hens who insisted on laying and setting in one of the nooks on top of “Ole Sparky”? … didn’t turn out well….. …..(we knew ahead of time it wouldn’t)….. Well…..Otto’s happy…..(at least)….. So here’s the re-cap….. Stupid Hen #1 discovered an inappropriate place to start laying eggs….. … was on top of our generator (who we fondly call “Ole Sparky)….. …..the little alcove that she chose…

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***Really Stubborn Hens***

***Really Stubborn Hens***

Hens can be single-minded….. …..with their tiny…..tiny heads….. …..I don’t think there’s a lot going on in there to begin with….. Hens can get an idea…..and they just won’t let it go….. …..come hell or high water….. …..(I’ve known some people like that)….. Here’s an example….. …..they can pick really bad…..or really unsafe places to lay their eggs….. ~~~Recently I’ve seen one of our hens fly up into the hayloft each morning to lay her daily egg….. … first glance…..I…

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Yard Work…….

Yard Work…….

  It’s Hurricane Season…………………….again…..(sigh)…     Yes it is……..   There’s no denying it.     We have a big “yard” to keep up with.     A couple days ago, I tried to crank up “Ole Sparky” (I do every month)………. …..and “Ole Sparky” just spluttered and spit… The usual suspects were ruled out… The battery was still good/chargeable/and holding a charge… The starter was okay. The fuel was just fine and not gooey   The chickens do like…

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