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Tag: Mother Nature;

~The Dust Of The Sahara Desert~

~The Dust Of The Sahara Desert~

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Well…we’re deep into Hurricane Season…and so far…there haven’t been any big storms….. Hurricane Debby wrecked a lot of damage and flooding…in areas that aren’t considered flood zones(?)….. It’s still an enigma…one that everyone is trying to figure out….. But here we sit at the end of August…and we’re squeaking along…quietly keeping our fingers crossed….. It’s the beginning of September that is truly the peak of the active hurricane season…with storms both before and…

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Heat Complaint #563

Heat Complaint #563

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* It’s the last day of July….. I think I might see a brisk zephyr somewhere over that haze-crazed humidity-dripping horizon….. Everything…(flora & fauna alike)…has that same dispirited…middle distanced…unfocused stare….. It’s that zombie-time of the year in sunny sub-tropical Florida….. … one wants to be here now….. Maine is looking pretty good….. Some are pining for the Yukon….. Our air conditioner has been stressed to its max…it’s been on again…off again….. …..frozen over…and icy…and…

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*A Snickers Post-Script*

*A Snickers Post-Script*

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* Well…this is an odd conundrum….. …..but I thought I should add it in as a footnote….. As I said in last week’s post…Snickers died…after a great deal of care and ministrations….. My older daughter was very committed in trying to nurse both Fatty Patty and Snickers back to health….. …..and save them both….. … far Fatty Patty is still vertical and amongst us………….Snickers…not so much….. But added to that…is an additional unfortunate/macabre event……..

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**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** I had another post planned for today…but Idalia moved into the neighborhood….. Yep…by the time you’re reading this…Idalia…will have decided where she’s going….. …..although I am writing this post ahead of time…Idalia…IS…OUT THERE….. She WILL be doing Something…Somewhere….. …..and she’s cranking away…and growing….. I just heard…the Gulf water temperature (which she will soon be motoring over) is about 90F….. …..”they” (the meteorologists) say the high Gulf water temperature is like rocket fuel for…

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***Beer…It’s Not Just For Breakfast***

***Beer…It’s Not Just For Breakfast***

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** We all know…..this heat has been brutal….. It’s on-going…it’s unrelenting….. It’s been affecting everybody….. …..All the Flora & Fauna….. The horses are dragging…the ducks are panting…the Irish Wolfhounds refuse to leave the A/C….. …..Mama Pig deals with the heat…by flipping her water tub…and then disappearing in her self-made mud bath….. We are (almost) midway through August….. Fall can’t come fast enough….. We’re trying to make sure everyone one has ample water…all the time……..

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~~~A Discussion Of Swamps~~~

~~~A Discussion Of Swamps~~~

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** I’ve lived on this piece of property for over thirty years…I’ve seen it’s evolution…some could say devolution….. In earlier posts…I’ve spoken about the different categorizations of various Swamps…or to be more-socially acceptable…various “Wet Lands”….. Potatoes………….potatoes….. …..(that still loses something in print)….. On closer evaluation I think our swamp has been struggling from a “Cypress Wetlands” swamp to a “Hydric Hammock”….. And now…it’s somewhere in between….. *****(Swamp Categorizations)***** *****(Wetlands Management in Florida)***** *****(More Wetlands…

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The Sprint Through Summer

The Sprint Through Summer

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Hold your breath….. It’s time for that flat out run towards & through Florida’s summer (with all the humid/mossy things that come along for the ride)….. Oh sure…I know it’s still March…and we’ve only just had the Spring Equinox….. …..but that beastly-weather is at our doorstep….. We just had a couple days of cool weather…enough that I started a few fires in our fireplace…(with the doors & windows wide open)…(I’m trying to use…

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~We’re On Elsa Watch~

~We’re On Elsa Watch~

*******Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel******* By the time this posts….. Elsa should be past us….. She could have been a lot bigger….. She’s got hurricane force winds (74mph+) and moving super slow….. …..about 12mph-ish….. …..right over us….. We can/should be grateful for that….. … could have been so much worse….. …..we were lucky….. …..but the worry never lessens…..there’s always worry….. We’re at the waiting stage now….. …..that stage where you don’t know if you’ve…

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~~~A Remedial Tonic~~~

~~~A Remedial Tonic~~~

In this situation…..I am not talking about the tonic that goes with a scorching gin….. …..although there have been a number of times that combination has been just what the doctor ordered….. …..and I usually follow doctor’s orders….. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The other day, I realized just how remedial being outdoors is for me….. All my life I’ve been an outdoors-person….. I feel like I’ve been cooped-up all these last months during Florida’s super-heated summer….. I actually haven’t….. I’ve been outside doing…

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Triplets…….Not Twins!

Triplets…….Not Twins!

Well…..whoopsie….. Mistakes were made….. Aaauuuuggggghhhhhh!!! Over-sights happened….. It probably had something to do with the impending potential of being hit by lightening….. …..that and the goats’ abilities to hide their children….. Everything ultimately turned out all right…(how that happened…I have NO idea)….. (I really don’t know how…..(?)…..) …..BUT ALL’S WELL THAT ENDS WELL….. …..BECAUSE….. …..the next day…..we found yet another “new”(?) singleton buckling…..(?) …..we found the little boy amongst some dead tree roots…..under a downed tree trunk… …..he was little…but…

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