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****************WARNING*************** *****************DISCLAIMER***************** *****************This Is A Farm Post**************** *****************Farm “Things” Get Discussed On Farm Posts*****************   Mason has a new purpose, a new career, a new owner, and a new home……. Hopefully everything will work out and just maybe he will become Sebastian’s next Hunt horse…….. Mason needs to learn the basics of being ridden at speeds less than a flat-out gallop and not just in circles. The down side for Mason was…….he had to be gelded……. ~~~~~~~Mason was NOT consulted~~~~~~~…

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Mason and Sebastian

Mason and Sebastian

Mason has a new home. Mason has a better home. Mason has a new job now too. He has gravitated from being an apathetic, non-breeding/non-productive stallion….. … being a potential hunter/jumper gelding in-training….. ***Disclaimer***(Mason was never consulted about the personal cost of this career transition…..) However, he is now ensconced three hours south of us in Sarasota. He has a glowing future of possibilities. He already looks like he fits easily into the horse shoes that are in store for…

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OTTB ~~~ Mason

OTTB ~~~ Mason

A Hunt Club friend is coming to look at Mason today… We are trying to find a good home for the big goof ball… …..and that can be problematic for an OTTB stallion… (OTTB = Off the Track Thoroughbred) *****Second Career After Thoroughbred Horse Racing**** Gelding will be high on the list of necessary-to-do’s……. …..ssshhhhhhhhhhhhhh……..(let’s not tell him just yet…) …..sorry about that Mason. You’ll thank us for that later…………. …..ah…….no you won’t….. But the man who is coming to…

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The Usual Suspects

The Usual Suspects

  It’s a morning thing… It usually doesn’t happen at any other time during the day… Molly always starts it (I can tell by her voice). Then Willow chimes in……. …….and then Killian & Ben pile on…….literally falling all over each other………….Hadrian is a watcher. The entire pack starts barking and howling and bouncing and bounding…………. What are they all doing? They are harassing Mason on the other side of the fence line… (Disclaimer***Photographs May Be Blurry.  It’s Hard Getting…

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This Time—Mason Was Way Out Of Line!!!!!

This Time—Mason Was Way Out Of Line!!!!!

  You try to be a good owner… You try to be a caring-caretaker… You try to do what’s best…     And when Dr. Stevie Wonder recommends that I harden Mason’s hooves before rainy season begins by painting them with iodine… ……….a good owner does that, right?………….(sigh).     …So I did that… I risked my life and limb and I regularly went into the thoroughbred racehorse stallion’s pasture. I carefully caught him;  I even more carefully tied him…

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A Time Of Wonder

A Time Of Wonder

    What is it about April on this farm? Addy is holding at a status quo, but she had a fever spike last night after 10:30pm of 102.9F. She wouldn’t eat her med-laced, (imitation) maple-syrup-drizzled sweet feed………….(you know, that same exact feed that has a five-star rating with the squirrels & rats in my garage). Plus, while I was out floundering & stumbling around in the dark, I heard Mason making less-than-usual sounds.     Some things you just…

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New Computer!!!

New Computer!!!

  Well, I was successful in whining adequately. I now have a new, shiny computer………………. It’s one of those interest-free deals where you better pay it off in monthly integrals or else they wallop you with all of the interest you missed for the past twelve months in one fell-swoop at the end (if you don’t keep up your end of the bargain). All I’ve got to do is divide the total bill by twelve and that’s what needs to…

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Oh, But Wait—–There’s More

Oh, But Wait—–There’s More

Just when I was worried I was running out of things to journal about……………… #Life happens.       This would all go under the residual-Hurricane-Irma-effect.  Because it’s hard to electrify a fence when it’s mostly under-water. But where to start………?  All the goats in the front yard?             Nope…………….. This afternoon my daughter was trying to get ready for a really nice evening with her boyfriend at the orchestra.  I was doing the monthly…

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We’re Still Here

We’re Still Here

It’s post-Irma.  We were so very lucky.  The eye went over us at about 2:30AM early on September 11th.  It was a Category 2 Hurricane by that time.  It could have been a Category 5 like in the Caribbean Islands.  We are so lucky.  We lost trees, but no lives.  We have fencing repairs, but not home repairs.  The sound is deafeningly quiet today.  I wouldn’t have thought it was so very loud during the storm.  But my ear drums…

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Mason & Becky—-Pining for the Fjords—-Re-Visited

Mason & Becky—-Pining for the Fjords—-Re-Visited

Weekends are for sleeping in.  Weekends are for relaxing and maybe completing projects around the home.  Hobbies, brunches, picking flowers come to mind as some of the more pleasant activities a person can plan and expect on any given Saturday or Sunday.  Or maybe a sporting event or Bar-B-Que or family get-together. Reality usually smacks us between the eyes.  If we are lucky, then reality waits until a little later in the mornings on the weekend. True to the norm…

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