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Tag: Jim Beam



*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* Really?!?….. Really!?!….. Insufferable heat….. The peak of Hurricane Season….. …..and now Covid?….. I thought I was whining enough in my last post…that was just a little operetta…… Now…I’m in a full-blown aria….. The Fat Lady Is Singing!…And Complaining!….. I have a household full of sickies…we’re fortunate that it’s not the original Covid-19 whammy….. …..but it’s nasty…with it’s own unique twists….. So far…I haven’t been too bad…but I’m watching my daughters and friends in…

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Heat Complaint #563

Heat Complaint #563

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* It’s the last day of July….. I think I might see a brisk zephyr somewhere over that haze-crazed humidity-dripping horizon….. Everything…(flora & fauna alike)…has that same dispirited…middle distanced…unfocused stare….. It’s that zombie-time of the year in sunny sub-tropical Florida….. … one wants to be here now….. Maine is looking pretty good….. Some are pining for the Yukon….. Our air conditioner has been stressed to its max…it’s been on again…off again….. …..frozen over…and icy…and…

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~~~?Have You Heard?~~~

~~~?Have You Heard?~~~

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* Maybe you haven’t heard….. …..but there’s going to be a total eclipse of the Sun today across the U.S.A….. Maybe it might have slipped by unnoticed….. But I’m here to let you know….. *****It’s going to happen today***** *****(Mark Twain and Bing Crosby and Eclipses)***** It was a surprise in the book and movie—“The Connecticut Yankee In King Arthur’s Court”—but it’s happened in a lot of books and movies. *****(from…”The Simpsons” to “2001…

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***Auto-Correct—Friend or Nemesis***

***Auto-Correct—Friend or Nemesis***

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* AutoCorrect might be helpful….. …..I suppose it might be…from time to time…in small doses….. I’m sure it was developed & programmed by caring people to help others write with ease and efficiency…and it should be looked at as an aide to the written prose….. But I personally think is was seined out of the dark corners of Hell….. Quite often…it can…(and does)…step up and save me at very opportune times….. But…I also hate…

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