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Tag: Irma

Baby Goat~~Up-Date

Baby Goat~~Up-Date

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* I wanted you to know that the orphaned baby goats are doing well….. …..they are adjusting….. Even though Snickers had twins…and Fatty Patty had triplets…those five babies have adapted and are thriving….. Although…I think the adopted wet-nurses are not so happy….. I’m not even sure they ever officially volunteered for the job…it just kind of…happened….. After Snickers and Fatty Patty both passed…Cami had to be banished from the nursery stall….. Her two boys…

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*Lots Of Baby Goats*

*Lots Of Baby Goats*

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* When it rains………….it pours….. Well…along with the arrival of Killian’s litter…the goats started kidding….. …..and kidding…and birthing…and kidding….. Remember the post where I wrote about Trooper being in a stall with a damaged door…and that hole kept getting bigger…and bigger….. And it was over-looked…and ignored…and over-looked some more….. And finally…Trooper just walked through it?….. And then he romped and had fun with ALL the ladies?….. …..we weren’t 100% sure that Trooper was fertile……..

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~~~Seed Surplus~~~

~~~Seed Surplus~~~

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Well…you already know…I bought a lot of seeds….. …..probably too many….. …..(maybe not?)….. …..(probably)….. But then…I was talking to a gardener-friend of mine…and she asked why I didn’t get more peas…..(?)….. …..Not enough peas…you say?….. …..I can solve that….. …..Easy Peasy…..(Pea-sy…HA!)… Then she asked…why I didn’t include any sweet potatoes…..(?)…..(I didn’t?)….. She said all I needed to do…was to go to the organic section of the produce department at our local Winn Dixie……..

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On Down The Road

On Down The Road

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** Just like the recent over-population of pigs….. We now have an over-population of goats….. …..the herd needs “thinning down”….. If you want to sound cool in rural-lingo…’s referred to as a “herd-reduction sale”….. …..what that really means is…..we didn’t plan this right…..and now we’ve got way too many goats…..!…… So now we are having to deal with our own “goat herd…

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Exploding Goats

Exploding Goats

Golgi tendons and goats birthing… Aaaaahhhhhhhh…….the necessity of multi-tasking when you live on a farm… ???Golgi Tendon??? Fresh disasters come with every sunrise… …..and sunset… …..and anytime in between… …..these weren’t disasters per se…..just exploding goats….. Soooooooooo……..I am “trying” to listen to YET ANOTHER Virtual Sports Medical Seminar….. …..the National one, this time….. (the whole nature of a “virtual” conference means… linen closet is devoid of new hand towels)-(because I’m not in the hotel to five-finger-discount new ones)….. This morning…

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