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Tag: Hurricane Idalia

—Egg Production—

—Egg Production—

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** The girls are slacking….. Our conveyor belt of eggs has slowed way down….. It’s a little sad knowing I can slip into a chicken’s head so easily….. I know their logic…I know their head-chatter….. …..there’s not a lot to either….. …..(it’s about as easy as slipping into cocktail party conversations)…(but at least with the chickens…I don’t need to wear Spanx)….. Sorry…this post is already devolving into nonsensical comparisons….. …..(and that’s what regularly happens…

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*****Idalia…the days after*****

*****Idalia…the days after*****

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Hurricane Idalia did as promised and motored through….. We were incredibly lucky….. We only had extra wind and extra rain….. …..others were not so lucky….. We live thirty-five miles from the Gulf of Mexico…so storm surge is not an issue…for us….. …..(swamp surge…maybe)….. Most of my friends made it through unscathed….. … friends who live south of us in Cape Coral…and Wimauma…weren’t in the hurricane cross-hairs…this time….. …..(they were last year with Hurricane…

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**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** I had another post planned for today…but Idalia moved into the neighborhood….. Yep…by the time you’re reading this…Idalia…will have decided where she’s going….. …..although I am writing this post ahead of time…Idalia…IS…OUT THERE….. She WILL be doing Something…Somewhere….. …..and she’s cranking away…and growing….. I just heard…the Gulf water temperature (which she will soon be motoring over) is about 90F….. …..”they” (the meteorologists) say the high Gulf water temperature is like rocket fuel for…

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