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Tag: Hurricane Ian

*****Idalia…the days after*****

*****Idalia…the days after*****

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Hurricane Idalia did as promised and motored through….. We were incredibly lucky….. We only had extra wind and extra rain….. …..others were not so lucky….. We live thirty-five miles from the Gulf of Mexico…so storm surge is not an issue…for us….. …..(swamp surge…maybe)….. Most of my friends made it through unscathed….. … friends who live south of us in Cape Coral…and Wimauma…weren’t in the hurricane cross-hairs…this time….. …..(they were last year with Hurricane…

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**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** This last Saturday our Fox Hunt Club had a Hunt at one of my favorite fixtures….. *****Croom State Forest***** It’s a wild place…with lots of trees (well…it is a forest after all)…and meadows…and railroad tracks bordering on one end of the tract of land….. …..with a narrow ingress & egress to the parking area…made up of a sugar-sand/one-lane road….. …..(if you remember a few years ago…that was where there was a fast/cold storm…

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~New Year’s Resolutions~~~No Hurricanes~

~New Year’s Resolutions~~~No Hurricanes~

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** I’ve decided that one of my New Year’s Resolutions for this coming year will be….. …..No Hurricanes….. …’s a good Resolution…don’t you think?…I’ll chat with Mother Nature about it….. I think this map is incomplete…it feels like there were so many more….. Plus…Hurricane Charley’s not listed…he was supposed to come directly up Tampa Bay (just like Hurricane Ian did)…then he decided to make a ninety degree turn to the right over Ft. Myers…

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The Sweep Delivered

The Sweep Delivered

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Mister Sweep has come…swept…and deemed our fireplace….. …..Fire-Worthy….. …..apparently the creosote accumulation wasn’t that bad….. Phew………….I was expecting bad news….. …..the people who worked on enclosing our porch…said that the stucco was cracked on the exterior of the chimney…and needed to be repaired & re-stuccoed (btw: they did stuccoing)….. We knew we needed a chimney cap…’cuz there wasn’t one….. We knew we wanted the interior checked for cracks…(there weren’t any)…. …..I don’t burn…

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**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** You’ve got to be kidding me…..!?!….. There’s a Hurricane that is going to hit Florida later today…..!?!….. …..WAIT…WHAT…..!?!….. …..Not from the Gulf of Mexico….. …..But…BOOM…right out of the Atlantic Ocean…… I know…Hurricane Season lasts until November 30th….. …..but they don’t have to take it SOOOOO literally…..!!!….. Mary Constance’s grandson just heard that a hurricane was coming this way and he burst into tears….. …..we all feel the same….. Today’s Fox Hunt was just…

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*Duck Weather*

*Duck Weather*

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Our ducks love the rainy season…the swamp loves it…we’ve had a surplus of rainfall going into the dry season this year….. I won’t complain….. …..but if I’ve learned anything over the years…don’t under-estimate or assume you know what Mother Nature’s up to….. …..the Lady can change her mind….. …..and often does….. But…ducks will always be attracted to water & mud…(that’s a Universal-Constant)….. We have Runner Ducks in our front yard and pastures…and Black-Bellied…

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*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps*******(muddy-colored font) I can’t watch anymore television….. I know the places they’re showing…I knew them….. The beaches where I’d go…are unrecognizable or gone….. …..the roads and connecting bridges…swept away….. …..daytime jaunts…missing….. Mary Constance’s barns lost their roofs (rooves?)…totally…they were lifted off…completely…or blown apart….. …..she sent me a video…the horses are all okay…rattled…but okay….. …..walking down the breezeway…it’s all just lined with stall walls without any roof….. …..trees are down everywhere…usually over fence lines….. …..her…

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Friday & Ian

Friday & Ian

First and Foremost….. We’re all okay and we survived…the horses are fine…all the animals are fine….. The house…the barn…the land…the vehicles are fine….. …..the round pen…not so much… got smooshed….. We’re all still a little rattled….. …..a little fried….. Who am I kidding…..?….. My eyes are rolling around in my head like lost marbles….. Our comfort-zone/homeostasis will take a while to settle in again…(once we find where it blew to and ultimately landed)….. My friend (further South by only about…

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***Relief***Guilt***Continued Worry***

***Relief***Guilt***Continued Worry***

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** The affects of Hurricane Ian will be arriving shortly….. …………………right now…it is literally…that calm before the storm………………… We’re already exhausted…both physically & emotionally….. Everything is done…that can be done….. Zone A and Zone B have had mandatory evacuations in our county…(we are inland by about thirty-five miles from the Gulf of Mexico)…so we’re not in any mandatory zone….. (Photo by: National Hurricane Center)—Ian—we’re on a first name basis now)… …..the main North/South Interstate…

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***Invest 96L…Then…Tropical Storm Ian…Now…Hurricane Ian***

***Invest 96L…Then…Tropical Storm Ian…Now…Hurricane Ian***

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Invest 96L…became a Tropical Storm…and then Hurricane Ian….. …..with a proper name….. ………….it’s Ian…………. ………….Yay!………….sigh…………. We’re all glued to the updates from the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration….. …..(NOAA)….. …..You gotta get with the jargon:  spaghetti models…cones of influence…projections…(my beloved Wind Shear)—(there’s not enough)…evacuation routes…enhanced satellite imagery…tides…storm surges…long duration event….. …..sigh………….it can make you crazy (or crazier)….. …..if we’re in Ian’s path…it looks like it’s projection could hit on Wednesday…or Thursday…who knows!?!….. … many…

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