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Tag: horse trailer

New Tires For The Dually

New Tires For The Dually

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* I’m feeling duped….. You know that feeling when you’re insides say something’s not right…but the “professionals” around you keep saying that everything’s just fine(?)….. That has recently happened to me….. My (2002 F-350 Ford Dually) truck has six tires…it’s served me well…I intend to be buried in it….. But it recently needed new tires…(really it needs all six new tires…but the tire guy said four would be fine)….. And the nice man proceeded…

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*Mud & Mounted Hound Walks*

*Mud & Mounted Hound Walks*

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps**********(l picked a mud-colored font) Even when we’re not Fox Hunting…the foxhounds need exercising as a pack….. Throughout the off-season…the hounds are taken on walks by our Huntsman (Devana)….. …..our Huntsman and the Staff of Whipper-Ins are on foot with the pack of hounds…they all work together….. As the off-season progresses…the walks on foot graduate to mounted hound walks….. … members are exposed to a relaxed atmosphere with the hounds and staff and horses……..

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*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** My older daughter is now the proud owner of a used (new to her) three-horse/slant-load/aluminum/goose-neck trailer…. By comparison to “The Doozie”… daughter’s three horse trailer is little  &  zippy….. It even has a dressing room in the front with the capability of a large mattress in the nose of the gooseneck….. …..Very Cool…..!….. We’ll be able to get into (and out…

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Farms and Repairs

Farms and Repairs

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** Farms are synonymous with repairs….. Nothing stays fixed….. … rots… breaks…’s constantly getting spindled & mutilated by livestock….. Just when you’ve finished a spectacular project…..some fat beast comes along and sits on it….. …..(I’ve discovered the same thing about cleaning the refrigerator or mopping the kitchen floor)….. …..(not that some fat beast squashes it…..but right after you clean the refrigerator…someone inevitably…

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*Specificity of Trailers*

*Specificity of Trailers*

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** Trailers can be very specific….. Horse trailers…livestock trailers…slant-loads…ramps…&  step-ups….. Bumper-pulls…goosenecks…living-quarters…steel…aluminum…& fiberglass….. We have our big horse trailer that can carry a hay wagon plus four horses (draft…who are loaded head-to-butt versus slant-load)….. …..ours has no fenders (there’s no room for them)… takes up the entirety of it’s lane on the highway….. It’s a great trailer…..if I don’t load a wagon…..I can…

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Multi-Purpose Horse Trailer & Chick Hatchery

Multi-Purpose Horse Trailer & Chick Hatchery

  The Speckled Sussex hen is at it again… She has successfully laid a clutch of eggs and has sat on said nest for about twenty-one days and now has a cute little brood of yellow & brown cotton-ball-shaped chicks running around the inside of my horse trailer… It’s a safe place for them… Well not totally safe, but better than a lot of places… What the hen didn’t think about…………………………was what to feed them after they hatched out, while…

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The End of Hurricane Season is Nigh!

The End of Hurricane Season is Nigh!

The thirtieth of this month is the official end of the 2017 Hurricane Season.                November 30th. Tum!! Ta!! Da!! To celebrate I am taking my newly installed inverter-thingie for my truck to the Hunt on Wednesday along with my household kitchen blender and I will be making Hurricanes for everybody!  Tra!  La!…………Tra!  La! Steve (my trusty diesel mechanic) has already installed the necessary plugs from one of my truck’s batteries through the front…

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One More Time Around

One More Time Around

  The stronger bit for Violet has arrived!  HA!  Horse! Try spinning me off again! But before that, Ruby will be my steed.  But Ruby is “barn sour”, “pasture sour”, “herd bound”, “buddy sour”………………….by any name, it’s a pain.  And it’s a sorrow. I haven’t ridden regularly for so long, they have all gotten used to reclining in the pasture, eating alfalfa and bon-bons…………………..while sipping on sweet tea.       And then I get my last (hopefully) joint replaced…

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Cedar Panels & Sauna Trailer

Cedar Panels & Sauna Trailer

Why do I always seem to end up in this aluminum, hot-box in the hottest months of the year paneling my horse trailer?  Maturity and experience-in-planning, I guess. The perks are that the heat and humidity make the cedar smell really nice.  It easily over-rides the excessive equine & goat urine smell that usually permeates everything inside the trailer. Maybe with enough research I can find some sinus or aromatherapy perks to sunbaked-enhanced-livestock-pee-pee smell……………….I can easily verify the iron-clad fact…

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