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Tag: honey

***To Bee ~~~ Or Not To Bee***

***To Bee ~~~ Or Not To Bee***

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** I’ve been thinking….. …..(it’s never too early…or late…for a good muse or two)….. I was thinking that I should re-visit the re-population of my honeybee hives (again)….. … know…..Hope Springs Eternal…..and all that….. But it’s been so hard keeping the little boogers here….. I really want to keep the hives populated and thriving….. In the past…..I’ve done that…..but they keep absconding…

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***To Bee or not To Bee***

***To Bee or not To Bee***

It’s that time of year…..well not quite yet….. …..but soon….. Do I?………….Or Don’t I?…..start up my hives…..?….. …..again….. If you remember…..last year I had a lot of false starts….. I was just about to buy the start-up honey bee nucs….. …..and then the Covid-19 Pandemic hit….. …..and the murder hornets arrived (on the U.S.’s west coast)-(and as far as I know they aren’t here on the east coast…..yet)….. …..I tried…..I got delayed…..I tried some more… got too hot…..I gave up……..

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Queen Bee

Queen Bee

Everyone says beekeeping is so easy… They say things like:   ***You just have to get used to it…   ***It’ll become second nature with time…       ***With practice it’ll be easy to tell the difference between worker bees, new worker bees, drones, & the Queen…     “They” say these things while they’re sitting on lawn chairs in the middle of their bee yard while wearing bikinis and speedos…   HA! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It’s NOT easy! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here:…

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