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Tag: homestead

Things Come In Threes?…(squared?)…

Things Come In Threes?…(squared?)…

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* The internet mysteriously came back on…Yippee….. Originally…”they” said there were no internet problems in our area that could have caused our personal outage…and it was probably a problem inside our house with our equipment(?)….. And then…”they” said “they” fixed the problem in our area…(?)…was that the problem that did or didn’t exist before(?)….. …..(plus they unceremoniously cancelled their technician’s home visit appointment)….. Are any of you out there old enough to remember “Ma…

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~~Cow Heel Soup~~

~~Cow Heel Soup~~

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* As we already know…I was raised on a small homestead-type Ohio farm….. I live on a small similar-type farm in Florida now….. I guess I’ve always been a functional homesteader and didn’t know it….. But that was what everyone did back in the 1950’s and ’60’s….. … planted things…you ate the things you planted…and you canned the rest….. …’s been engrained in me from the socks up….. ***(On An Aside:  My daughter recently…

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