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Tag: hadrian

*Puppy-Boy Is Growing*

*Puppy-Boy Is Growing*

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** *****(this is the post I had intended to write before Acacias decided to eat moldy hay)***** Acacias has recovered and is doing just fine now…(silly puppy)….. …..he’s resilient & happily beating up his buddy Wisp right now….. Acacias just turned six months old….. …..he’s a behemoth…… He’s taller than a large German Shepard…and over 80 pounds….. …..but…I’m not picking him up to weigh him….. …..he squirms too much…and he’s too heavy….. …..(I can…

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The New Guy On The Block

The New Guy On The Block

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Ben will have some competition very soon….. After a lot of searching and researching…I found our next boy puppy….. Irish Wolfhounds (at best) have a limited gene-pool….. I’m sure I’ve said this before…but in and around the 1800’s…they almost became extinct as a breed….. Enter Captain Graham and Faust…(I do love that name)….. *****(Saving The Irish Wolfhound)***** He worked hard…but he saved the breed….. …..even today…the Irish Wolfhound does not have a vast…

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***Sweeping Up The Pieces***

***Sweeping Up The Pieces***

Addy’s doing better… She’s getting her waistline back… She’s getting her appetite back… Her temperature has remained within normal range…….phew… I milked her out several times for a few days after her baby died…..and then filtered & froze her milk……. …..that way we’ll have some horse milk available in the freezer to supplement anyone’s foal who might need some……. … it appears that Addy was a dairy cow in her past life…..!….. …..I was so worried that she wouldn’t produce…

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Farm life is hardly ever a sugar-coated existence… That circle-of-life-thing…….sucks… Digging a grave is horrible……. …..digging a grave for a baby is worse… But along with loosing Addy’s foal…….I didn’t want to pass over Hadrian’s death… And yes…..Hadrian (our senior Irish Wolfhound stud) passed away suddenly in the middle of “all of this”… He woke up one morning…..ate a full breakfast…..played with his youngest granddaughter (Val)…..they played to exhaustion in the kitchen…..then both laid down for a nap….. …..and Hadrian…

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Solving World Problems

Solving World Problems

~~~~~~~My Thoughts On World-Problems~~~~~~~ Like you all know… We have a number of Irish Wolfhound puppies… They just turned four weeks old… All of the pee’ing/poop’ing boogers are happily gobbling up and/or wearing their meals of gruel… ***FYI…..early on…..right after young puppies are born… have to encourage them to pee & poop……. …..apparently they don’t know how… So…..soon after a litter of puppies is born…..the majority of my time is spent wiping to stimulate puppy bottoms to encourage them to…

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The Usual Suspects

The Usual Suspects

  It’s a morning thing… It usually doesn’t happen at any other time during the day… Molly always starts it (I can tell by her voice). Then Willow chimes in……. …….and then Killian & Ben pile on…….literally falling all over each other………….Hadrian is a watcher. The entire pack starts barking and howling and bouncing and bounding…………. What are they all doing? They are harassing Mason on the other side of the fence line… (Disclaimer***Photographs May Be Blurry.  It’s Hard Getting…

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Perigee Moons

Perigee Moons

  Between December and the last day of this month, there have been (or will be) three full moons in perigee.  (Quick definition:  Perigee means the point where the moon’s (or anything’s) orbit is the closest to the earth.) So the last three full moons in a row have been at their closest point in their normal orbit around the earth, which means they look super big. Hence they’re are called “Super Moons”. They’re Super.  Super bright.  Super close.  Super…

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