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Tag: Gorilla Dust Cloud



And so the old broad officially turned sixty-six yesterday… Fourth of July is just around the corner… Woot!  Woot! I (finally) got the fan hung up properly over the bunnies’ hutches…..(I can’t imagine a rabbit-pelt jacket in this weather)… Paolo just told me that yesterday’s “feels like” temperature made it to 108F… I guess the “Gorilla Dust Cloud” is still affecting our lack of rain… …..but as soon as it leaves…..then it’s back to Hurricane Season and lightening strikes and…

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—–Mowing…..(a study in procrastination)—–

—–Mowing…..(a study in procrastination)—–

So…..I haven’t mowed yet… It’s just so HOT out there…..(“feels like” temperature of around 106F) I heard that there’s some sort of (fairly) rare Sahara Desert dust cloud that is blowing over us right now… Something about it being the first time it’s been this bad in over fifty years…..(?)….. …..that’s a thing?….. It’s happened before…..(?)….. *****The Gorilla Dust Storm***** If I’m not mistaken…..isn’t there the Atlantic Ocean in between us and the Sahara Desert…..(?) …..but…..then again….. *****Hurricane Fun Facts*****…

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