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Tag: Gas

~~Sloane & The Vapors~~

~~Sloane & The Vapors~~

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* Sloane has a delicate digestion….. She needs to partake in a bland diet….. My daughters and I swear she is rotting from the inside out….. We’ve discovered that this hound CAN NOT be given eggs to eat…Ever Again!….. ………….!!!EVER!!!…………. You see…it’s Springtime…and all the hens are cranked-up into over-drive with regards to egg production….. So as a result…it is easy to find errant eggs…on forgotten/impromptu nests….. …..and because we don’t know how long…

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~~Indigestion~~~The Day After Boxing Day~~

~~Indigestion~~~The Day After Boxing Day~~

Phew….. …’s over….. I think I survived….. I sit here in my new/comfy/fluffy pajamas….. … bare feet are cold…..but then… is the kitchen tile floor….. … IS thirty-four degrees outside….. I’ve eaten everything in sight….. …..I’d happily do it again….. …..I plan to….. …..there are still some un-made recipes to stir together and complete….. …..I may do that….. …..but it does cause one to pause and consider and contemplate….. …..can one digestive-tract possibly develop any MORE gas…..?….. …..TMI?….. …..You bet…

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