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Tag: free-range eggs

Duck Eggs

Duck Eggs

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* Remember the ducklings that I got through the mail-order catalog last spring?….. They’ve started laying eggs….. …..I can tell it’s them…because they don’t lay in the wall-mounted nesting boxes like the chickens do….. They lay their eggs in the mud….. Ducks and water and mud………….the perfect trifecta….. Duck eggs are large and substantial compared to chicken eggs…even with the younger duck hens….. …..they are hands down bigger…and usually their shells are much thicker…

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~Bad Choice Chicken~

~Bad Choice Chicken~

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** We have a coop….. We have nesting boxes….. We have a secure door that closes and keeps the chickens safe at night in their coop….. …..and this is a hen’s idea of a good safe/secure place to start a family….. … a plant pot… that anyone can (and does) walk past…where anyone can easily pick up a chicken dinner….. …..just like in a restaurant buffet line….. I think she’s the same hen who…

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**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Here are a couple reasons why there are a lot of egg-themed holidays…and recipes…and activities in the Spring….. It’s because every form of female poultry is kicking into egg-laying/over-time….. I’ve read that some people are struggling with their hens not laying eggs….. I’ve been fortunate….. … old biddies just keep laying….. …..I don’t know why….. …..maybe it’s the big piles of manure they keep kicking over and scratching at?….. …..or maybe it’s our…

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!A.M. Cacophony!

!A.M. Cacophony!

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** How has this happened again….. The only way to know that there are too many roosters…is to wait until the pre-dawn hours….. ….then it’s unmistakable….. How on Earth has this Happened Again!?!….. I need to count the amount of boy birds who are wandering around out there….. I know exactly where they are each morning….. They are right outside my bedroom window….. …..there are at least two that I hear faintly (way out…

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~The Season of the Egg~

~The Season of the Egg~

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** Yep…’s officially here…..“Egg Season”… Everyone one is laying…..they haven’t started “setting” yet….. …..(put a group of people together…..and they’ll inevitably create their own jargon)….. …..(Chicken-Terms…you will be quizzed later)… It’s Springtime and all of the hens are ramped-up into over-drive in terms of egg-production….. There’s a boon of eggs…..They Are EVERYWHERE!….. My kitchen refrigerator is over-flowing…..the garage refrigerator is stacked with…

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On Down The Road

On Down The Road

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** Just like the recent over-population of pigs….. We now have an over-population of goats….. …..the herd needs “thinning down”….. If you want to sound cool in rural-lingo…’s referred to as a “herd-reduction sale”….. …..what that really means is…..we didn’t plan this right…..and now we’ve got way too many goats…..!…… So now we are having to deal with our own “goat herd…

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