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Tag: foaling

~~~Mark Your Calendars~~~

~~~Mark Your Calendars~~~

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** I had forgotten to mention….. …..with my older daughter’s recent fence repairs….. Claire has been put into the same pasture with Brave…once again….. …..for obvious reasons….. If you count a mare’s months of gestation on your fingers and toes….. …’ll come up with about eleven months (give or take)….. …..and it’s that “give or take” and wondering when the baby will actually arrive…that makes me loose my stomach lining and pull out my…

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***NOT In A Family Way***

***NOT In A Family Way***

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** I’ll cut to the chase….. Doctor Stevie Wonder paid us a visit….. …..actually he paid Addy a visit….. And She’s NOT Pregnant!!! Tra!  La! Phew!………….Double Phew! It’s just toooooooooo hot to have a horse baby now!….. …..and if she were pregnant…..that would mean she would have a baby horse in about eleven months….. …..or….. …..right in the middle of next summer’s…

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~~~Let’s Talk Poop~~~

~~~Let’s Talk Poop~~~

I want to pass along some simple things that I’ve learned over the years….. We’ve talked about the need for a mother’s colostrum for her babies….. …..this applies to goats…..and dogs…..and cats…..and horses…..and humans….. When a baby horse is born (or a baby goat…..or puppy…..or whatever…..) …..not only do you have to be aware of what is going in the front end….. …..but you have to watch what comes out the back end too….. Mammal babies (when they are inside…

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~~~Claire And Her Colt~~~

~~~Claire And Her Colt~~~

Bright and early the next morning…..(or was it just a continuation of the dawn’s twilight from the extended night we just went through?)….. …..Doctor Stevie Wonder arrived….. Patrice (See Glossary) was hauled up over my pajamas…..and we staggered out to the barn again….. …’s important to have a foal and mare checked as early as possible after any delivery….. There are some very important tests that need to be done….. …..the afterbirth needs to be evaluated by the veterinarian…… …..and…

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~~~~~N. N. Y.~~~~~

~~~~~N. N. Y.~~~~~

N. N. Y. —–stands for “No Name Yet”….. He’s Robust…..He’s Big…..He’s Here!!!!! Claire is healthy and doing fine….. N. N. Y.  is healthy and doing fine….. That’s all I hoped and prayed for….. My older daughter and I are exhausted….. I know that Claire did all the work….. …..but damn…..we’re exhausted….. There’s so much more to post about…..but there’s so much to do….. …..more later…..          



As predictions go….. …..was it Tuesday…..?….. …..or…..was it……Thursday…..?….. Yep…..?….. Nope….. I can’t resist putting in more udder photos here….. … know I can’t….. …..Claire’s not talking….. …..Brave’s a good-time-Charlie….. So all I have is my overly-compulsive use of my (apparently now derelict) little camera….. …..(I can’t keep up with technology… blink…..and you’re immediately out-of-date)….. …..(that’s another story/for another day)….. …..but in the meantime….. I’ll continue to chase Claire around with my reliable/obsolete camera….. …..and take photos of her udder… compare…

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My younger daughter predicts this coming Tuesday….. I predict this coming Thursday….. My older daughter is splitting the difference with Wednesday….. We are talking about when Claire will possibly foal….. … has been talked about before (ad nauseam)…’s a waiting game….. I don’t care if it’s a girl…..I don’t care if it’s a boy….. …..I just want Mom and baby to be healthy and happy with four hooves securely on the ground….. I know we are all thinking about last…

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~~~Udder Impatience~~~

~~~Udder Impatience~~~

Probably after reading this post and seeing my photographic time-line….. … will probably come to the same conclusion where a number of my friends and family members have already arrived….. …..that I need to stop with all of the photos of Claire’s udder…(and other under-things)….. Claire is (understandably) fed up with me and my camera….. …..she neither understands nor appreciates the flashbulb or the photographic-study of her belly and nether-regions….. Brave just thinks I’m being ridiculous….. Addy is glad that…

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Well… we are again….. … she pregnant???…..or isn’t she pregnant…..??? The rational person inside my head says….. …..yes…you silly git….. …..of course she is….. …..hasn’t she been co-pastured with a proven stallion for well over a year now?….. …..doesn’t that shave the odds in favor of her being knocked-up?….. …..why, yes it does….. Aren’t big-barreled draft horses the absolute best at hiding a pregnancy…..? So…..of course she’s pregnant!!!….. But…..I rarely function in the proximity of that rational mind…..that rational person…

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~~~Keeping An Eye On Claire~~~

~~~Keeping An Eye On Claire~~~

As far as we know…..Claire should still be pregnant….. If you remember…..after Doctor Reverend Stevie Wonder came back from mountain climbing in Antartica(?)….. …..he came out to our place to palpate and flush Addy and Claire to ready them for breeding this last Spring….. …..we never got to the flushing-stage of things….. …..because at the palpation-stage…..Stevie Wonder found them both to be pregnant….. So knowing that both girls were in foal (as of the beginning of February, 2020)….. …..the next…

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