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Tag: florida mud

*Mud & Mounted Hound Walks*

*Mud & Mounted Hound Walks*

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps**********(l picked a mud-colored font) Even when we’re not Fox Hunting…the foxhounds need exercising as a pack….. Throughout the off-season…the hounds are taken on walks by our Huntsman (Devana)….. …..our Huntsman and the Staff of Whipper-Ins are on foot with the pack of hounds…they all work together….. As the off-season progresses…the walks on foot graduate to mounted hound walks….. … members are exposed to a relaxed atmosphere with the hounds and staff and horses……..

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Mud-Bogging Pups

Mud-Bogging Pups

*******Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel******* The rains are here…..!….. …..Tra!  La!….. You know that expression…..”the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence”….. …..well the mud is muddier on our side of the fence now….. Remember when I wanted (some) rain? …..I got my wish….. Moderation is a good thing…..right? …..we got the little bit of rain we needed….. …..and a little bit more….. …..and a little bit more….. …..and then…

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Summer Mud

Summer Mud

  It’s August 1st! Hunt Season begins next month!   The air is steamy and wet……………it’s like you are living in an over-heated aquarium……looking through a distorted world of wavy, thick moisture.   I’ve got moss on my northern side again. It happens every summer. I’d better keep moving or some opportunistic vine will take me down.   I had to rescue a little volunteer magnolia tree seedling who I found in the back yard.  There was a weed-vine wrapped…

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