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Tag: fire ants

***Oh wait…A New Florida Bug?***

***Oh wait…A New Florida Bug?***

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** *****(Ants in Florida)***** …..Great…I’ve discovered that there’s a new ant in town….. …..Really?…like we needed another biting bug added to the list?….. I found out the old-fashioned way…I got bit….. …..repeatedly….. My daughters tried to say it was my fault for being out in the garage…barefooted….. …..I beg to differ….. I’ve been going out in that same garage for thirty years…barefooted…and this was a first….. I’m still dealing with stealth-squirrels (they continue breaking…

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~~Autumn Leaves~~

~~Autumn Leaves~~

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** This time of year…people like to imagine…beautiful calendar pictures of colorful Autumn leaves….. … of oranges and reds and russets and gold….. That wonderful smell of nuts and falling leaves….. Harvest moons…and preparations for the winter to come….. …..but what do we get down here in the swamp…?…lots and lots of brown leaves….. …..we get spores and mushrooms and toadstools…(heavy on the toads)….. Autumn months in rural Florida are nothing like picturesque New…

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***Fire Ant Surprise***

***Fire Ant Surprise***

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** I had to take a time-out from a clean-up chore….. I was going to clean-up the area around the hitching post on our driveway….. …..all of the recent rains have washed leaves and sand into wet dunes all over the cement….. It’s not dry enough to blow off yet…it needs a flat-bottomed shovel to scoop and push all of the debris back to where it came from….. I needed this cleared so I…

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Not Just Pythons…

Not Just Pythons…

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** I know I’ve said this before….. But there’s more to Florida than pristine beaches….. …..beautiful sunrises over the Atlantic Ocean….. …..equally gorgeous sunsets over the Gulf of Mexico….. All these panoramic vistas to be enjoyed with pitchers of margaritas or blenders full of banana-daiquiri-delights….. But….. Now you know there are gigantic pythons lurking around the mango trees in your back yard….. …..and alligators chasing you off the golf course…..(How Fast Can An Alligator…

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*Living in the Boondocks*

*Living in the Boondocks*

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** ***Boondocks Defined*** We’ve discussed this before….. …..I live in the boonies….. …..the soggy…..swampy…..sticks of rural Florida….. Lots of other things live in the sticks alongside me….. …..they skitter…..they slither…..they lumber…..they bound….. …..some are less than pleasant and don’t have any desire to co-habitate with me….. To the best of my ability…..I try to live alongside whoever and whatever….. …..but mostly I just try to avoid the worst of the ickies….. Here are some…

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