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Tag: fading puppy syndrome

*Forced Insomnia*

*Forced Insomnia*

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* I know it’s only temporary….. But I’m at that whiny-stage of puppy-rearing….. I’d like to sleep…a full night…in my bed…I’m tired of warming formula in the wee hours of the morning….. I’m exhausted from the continuous/prevailing panic about tube feeding in the middle of the night…(or any time really)….. I cover it…but it’s a constant under-current…of bile-enhanced fear….. It’s something I will never get comfortable with in the sunny light of day…much less…

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~~~The Last Puppy~~~

~~~The Last Puppy~~~

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel***  Will O’ The Wisp’s litter was born on December 20th….. …..her last puppy leaves today….. She’s going to Texas… a family who have a number of Irish Wolfhounds already… fact…..she will be the fourth puppy that they have gotten from us over the years….. I’m exhausted…’s a happy & sad time… never gets easier….. …..but there are some things to be…

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~Amy…..By Comparison~

~Amy…..By Comparison~

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** I just wanted to show a photo comparison of little Amy’s progression….. …..then and now….. She was the littlest/itty-bitty/gray Irish Wolfhound puppy in Willow’s litter….. …..odds were that she wouldn’t make it….. …..I shouldn’t use the past tense…..because she’s very much amongst us….. …..but this little pup played the odds….. Amy’s come such a long way….. …..she’s a fighter…..she never considered not…

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