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Tag: Ester

~~~Dressage Schooling Show~~~

~~~Dressage Schooling Show~~~

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* If you’ve ever seen me ride…you’d know…I know nothing about Dressage….. Dressage is steeped in history….. But the art of riding Dressage…..(?) …..nope….. …..I don’t get it….. I’ll be the one eating a corndog at ring side….. I’ve learned (the hard way) there are definitely times NOT to boisterously cheer….. …..and generally speaking….. …..dressage shows are one of those times….. No one there appreciates a good Woot-Woot with fists pumps….. Beer cups used…

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Moody Trucks

Moody Trucks

My truck’s the youngest one of the two here….. …..and it’s eighteen years old….. … older daughter’s truck is a 1990….. *****She’s A Classic***** …..her truck was born three years before she was….. They’re both diesels….. …..(the two trucks…..not my daughter)….. A well-maintained diesel engine can last a long, long time….. We really try to take care of ours….. Oil changes…..fluid levels…..that sort of stuff….. My daughter’s truck is old and very quirky….. …..the other night (when she returned home…

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Thank You To Good Friends

Thank You To Good Friends

  The federal government officially considers me medicare-worthy now. Maybe the telemarketers and all of the over-sized postcards (with ezzy-read, large print) will stop. I’ve manditorially walked towards the light of the government-mandated old-age gateway. I have heaved my crepe-sagging jowls, cellulitic-paunches  & swollen ankles over that geriatric line in the sand. Phew, I’m glad that’s over…   …That was fun…   Plus at the courtesy of Simone & Ester…….at the newly/ripe/old age of sixty-five…….I’ve discovered my new, most-bestest drink……

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Addy’s First Trail Ride

Addy’s First Trail Ride

  All went well………………phew! It appears I was overly apprehensive. But at sixty-four, apprehension adds to the percentages for survival. Addy was a challenge to climb up into the saddle, but once there, all went well. Yippee-Ki-Yo-Ki-Yay!……………………     I had to channel my inner rhesus monkey to reach the top.       She’s very tall!……………and my artificial joints only flex so far. …….I rode with my friends Ester and Eliza………. ……….Ester rode Chantilly for the first time ever….

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