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Tag: Dust Bunnies



**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** I Have An Up-Date!….. WE HAVE A/C…..!….. …..and it’s lasted for TWO whole days…and hasn’t crapped out yet!….. Yip…Yip…Yippee…&…Tra!  La!….. …’s amazing how a few external degrees up or down can change a person’s outlook on life!….. Our air conditioner’s repair turned into a comedy of errors…corners cut at installation…damage of the original unit…mis-information…Lord knows what else….. I think…(?)…we’ve unwound the tangled rat’s nest of wires….. …..hopefully….. …..well…at least it’s cold now….. We…

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Now…I’ll Admit It…

Now…I’ll Admit It…

Well, it’s put back together and fixed. I didn’t fix it. But…..I was responsible for taking it apart in the first place. I was too embarrassed to ask for help. I had to make sure that if I was going to look foolish… had to be with people I respect….. …..with an expertise that I obviously didn’t have….. …..and tolerance for my numb-skullishness. You see, I took apart my .38 revolver to clean it….. … gets dirty in Patrice’s pocket…..and…

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The A/C Is Kaput!

The A/C Is Kaput!

How did they live in the South before air-conditioning?   How did they do it? (A lot of mint juleps I would guess.)   Our compressor seized yesterday…  It seized and died…   There’s no fixing it this time… It has to be replaced.     *****Monty Pyton’s “Dead Parrot” Skit*****         To reiterate my husband’s Monty Python quotes from after my last egg post——-our A/C is no more…….it has succumbed…….it is no longer pining for the…

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Tunes on Vinyl

Tunes on Vinyl

  I love music. I love music of any sort. I don’t have a genre or a type. I don’t remember titles. I can’t identify groups. I like how something sounds.  And with the way my memory is working these days———-it’s always new to me… I have a CD of monks throat-singing/chanting while playing drum skulls.  I like that too.  I think they’re called the Gyuto Monks……………….I fondly refer to them as my Guido Monks. And then I’ve got this…

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Housework &/Or Dust Drowning

Housework &/Or Dust Drowning

I have to muster a pre-emptive strike.  The dust-bunnies are getting organized and hostile.  I’m sure that whole cavy-thing is starting to kick into gear—–they are planning to gnaw off one or more of my limbs at any point in time right about now.  My inabilities & lack of completing basic housework chores is becoming evident,  invasive, and a tad-life-threatening. Last weekend I was able to temporarily balance on my new leg, while vacuuming with the longest tube I could…

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World Perspective

World Perspective

Over the years I’ve become more open-minded while at the same time more intolerant……………………….if that is even possible. As I’ve mentioned before, my husband is a Londoner.  I am from rural Ohio.  We’ve grown, coped, & grappled with a lot of differences over the years.  His upbringing and mine are so totally different.  He even lived in Italy for the first few years of his life and spoke Italian as a toddler for his first language. He can read train…

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