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Tag: duck eggs

Duck Eggs

Duck Eggs

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* Remember the ducklings that I got through the mail-order catalog last spring?….. They’ve started laying eggs….. …..I can tell it’s them…because they don’t lay in the wall-mounted nesting boxes like the chickens do….. They lay their eggs in the mud….. Ducks and water and mud………….the perfect trifecta….. Duck eggs are large and substantial compared to chicken eggs…even with the younger duck hens….. …..they are hands down bigger…and usually their shells are much thicker…

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**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** *****Today started out early…while it was still dark…which is saying a lot…because the days are longer now…and dawn comes earlier….. …..but tell the roosters that….. …..(and yes…we did recently take five (5) more roosters to the auction…(we would’ve taken six…but we couldn’t find the last one…after scouring the rafters & lofts & limbs)…so we don’t know what happed to  #6….. …..(yes we do)….. So the mornings are less cacophonous…(there are still four roosters…

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**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Here are a couple reasons why there are a lot of egg-themed holidays…and recipes…and activities in the Spring….. It’s because every form of female poultry is kicking into egg-laying/over-time….. I’ve read that some people are struggling with their hens not laying eggs….. I’ve been fortunate….. … old biddies just keep laying….. …..I don’t know why….. …..maybe it’s the big piles of manure they keep kicking over and scratching at?….. …..or maybe it’s our…

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*A Study Of Ducks*

*A Study Of Ducks*

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** We probably have better things to do…I’m sure we do….. But it’s important to know if your ducks are in a row….. Sometimes your ducks run amok and you don’t even know it….. To that effect…my older daughter and I…had to begin an on-going duck study….. This all began earlier this month…when I opened the chicken coop first thing in the morning….. …..ALL of the poultry were supposed to be inside the coop……..

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Ducklings…..or Chicks…..?

Ducklings…..or Chicks…..?

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Which are they?………….are they going to be baby ducks or baby chickens…..?….. I’ve done this quite a few times in the past…some might even say I’m an aficionado….. I may have been a bit too cavalier when picking out the Runner Duck eggs from the daily cache of eggs….. …..they’re bigger than chicken eggs…rounder at both ends…and denser-feeling to the touch….. …..Easy Peasy…..right?….. …..Yep………….well………….Nope….. I picked out the appropriate sizes…shapes…and colors….. …..and after…

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