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Tag: Devana

*Mud & Mounted Hound Walks*

*Mud & Mounted Hound Walks*

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps**********(l picked a mud-colored font) Even when we’re not Fox Hunting…the foxhounds need exercising as a pack….. Throughout the off-season…the hounds are taken on walks by our Huntsman (Devana)….. …..our Huntsman and the Staff of Whipper-Ins are on foot with the pack of hounds…they all work together….. As the off-season progresses…the walks on foot graduate to mounted hound walks….. … members are exposed to a relaxed atmosphere with the hounds and staff and horses……..

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~~~First Hunt Of The 2020/2021 Season~~~

~~~First Hunt Of The 2020/2021 Season~~~

Tra!   La! It was our Fox Hunt Club’s first Hunt of the new season…..!….. The Season has begun again! Yippee! My younger daughter and I went…..sans horses….. …..we were there for the post-Hunt Tea and the beginning of the season’s socializing….. IT WAS GREAT! Devana our Huntsman was Great! The field was out for three hours…..I think Addy will faint when I tell her….. We brought chocolate chip Irish Soda Bread & butter for the potluck Tea….. It was…

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Mounted Hound Walk

Mounted Hound Walk

  My younger daughter and I recently attended a Mounted Hound Walk… Our Hunt Club has Hound Walks without horses……. …..and Hound Walks with horses……. Devana is our Huntsman…….and yes…….that’s her alias. A few days ago, Devana and the Whipper-ins worked with an ensemble of young foxhounds along with the more experienced foxhounds in a hunt-like setting on one of our favorite Fixtures which is a beautiful ranch… It was nice being outdoors & in the sun & the wind…

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