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Tag: danny

~~~We’ve Been Dissed~~~

~~~We’ve Been Dissed~~~

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** ***Is “Diss” Really A Word?*** If it is…..we’ve been dissed by Danny….. ***The Conjugation Of The Verb “To Diss”*** … “we”…..I mean Patrice and me….. …..(***What’s A Patrice You Ask?***)….. Danny and my younger daughter are in BIG trouble….. You see…’s summer….. The Heat is on HI….. I’d love to have the thermostat for the air conditioner set on “frigid”….. I’d love to be on the verge of chilly while in the house…..I…

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What We Do In The Summer…

What We Do In The Summer…

*******Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel******* It’s super hot outside….. So…’s easy to be sequestered in the air-conditioning of the house….. …..not a real hard choice….. …’s much like reverse-winter-cabin-fever….. But it can get boring….. And it’s a safe bet that if left to my own devices….. …..the out-come is not always a good thing….. There are a number of things I “COULD” be constructively doing….. …..for example…..the tile in the bathroom needs caulking….. …..all…

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Cool dude and barn-cat-supreme… He made his debut on our farm this last spring… He has a…..”take no prisoners” attitude… He went through the “catch & release” system as a stray… …..that’s were a feral cat is caught, sterilized, inoculated for various viruses, given a rabies shot…..and then released… He came to us via Suzanne Annette… Somehow that brave woman got him into a cat carrier and deposited him here… He lives in our garage at night… We “had” a…

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My younger daughter has recently gotten a puppy. A little Papillon puppy.   Danny. As in Danny Zuko, from “Grease” …………… daughter loves her musicals.     Honestly, there was a time we got so fed up with listening to “Oklahoma” that we hid the VHS tape………………………and then that was traded off for an over-consumption of “Mama Mia”. We hid that one too. Don’t get me wrong, I do love a good musical………………………but when you start dreaming in Technicolor with…

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