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Tag: Copernicus

Is There More Than One Way To Skin A Cat(s)?…

Is There More Than One Way To Skin A Cat(s)?…

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* I’ve decided there is a conscious feline group-effort to ruin my night’s sleep….. My younger daughter has her Papillon (Danny) with her on her bed…who stands guard…and refuses any cats entry into their bedroom….. My older daughter has her Jack Russell (Drogo)–(and a screen door)…and none of the cats can get into her bed…(and survive)….. But me(?)….. …..I’m not so lucky….. …..I’m free game….. Mine is the only duvet they have access to…mine…

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~~~Serendipitous & Tricksey Sabine~~~

~~~Serendipitous & Tricksey Sabine~~~

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Maybe this post should more accurately be called…”The Saga of Sabine”….. This poor ole’ hound…she’s still not the sharpest knife in the drawer….. …..and her nose keeps getting her in trouble….. She’s the kind of hound my Father would’ve  loved….. He’d say she’s perfect…not too smart…all hound-business & focus…with a decent enough nose….. …..that dog’ll hunt….. You might remember that the chicken coop is just off of my bedroom….. …’s through a glass…

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*Chimney Repair*

*Chimney Repair*

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Yep…our chimney’s needed some prompt attention for quite some time now….. Replacing the chimney cap can’t be put off any longer….. We used to be a one bucket family….. But now we’ve progressed to being a two bucket home….. And…I’d like to point out that during rain storms…the rainwater runs down the chimney…across the hearth…and onto the den floor in a sooty-slurry….. …..messy stuff….. …..(however…it does have a nice after-burn/creosote smell to it…I…

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…still not better…but this is getting boring…

…still not better…but this is getting boring…

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** This sure is getting repetitive….. …’s still NOT Covid…..(phew)….. …..the worst is the dizziness…..(and the nausea)….. No wait…..the worst is….. …..the cats sneezing….. …..ALL the cats are sneezing….. Doctor Brigid said they have cat-colds…..and it will take awhile for them to get better…..(possible two weeks)….. But ten sneezing house cats…..(?)….. …..That’s The Worst….. I have cats that sleep with me at…

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~~~Opposable Thumbs~~~

~~~Opposable Thumbs~~~

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** …..Opposable Thumbs….. …..are they necessary?….. …..well in this household…..apparently not….. !~~~~~NEWS FLASH~~~~~! I had thought I was going crazy…..(again)….. …..but apparently there are a number of our animals who have and use other body parts in lieu of opposable thumbs….. *****What’s An Opposable Thumb***** In the past…..I knew Copernicus could & would turn on & off light switches….. …..I even had…

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Tree Frog Rescue…and other stuff…

Tree Frog Rescue…and other stuff…

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** I suppose this post is really about a recent surgical procedure….. But…..hands up for anyone who has had a TEE?…..(trans-esophageal echo-cardiogram)…..(no wonder they call it a TEE)….. ***This Site Explains A TEE—With Pictures*** …..but that’s not what’s interesting….. … day and prep for this procedure started out late and not on schedule….. …..Why?….. …..because a rescue was necessary for a little-itty-bitty-vibrant-green…

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Kitties And Their Snackles

Kitties And Their Snackles

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** Okay….. Maybe we’ve (I’ve) asked for some of these problems….. Maybe…..(just maybe)…..I’ve created a couple of them….. … know that morning-wake-up-romp that household pets do every morning…..?….. …..(like clockwork)….. …..a morning can’t start without it…..?….. …..I “might” have done this to myself….. …..perhaps….. Our mornings progress like this….. …..the alarm goes off….. …..the Wolfhound-ensemble drag me to the door….. …..they need…

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Danny vs. Copernicus

Danny vs. Copernicus

*******Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel******* ~~~~~~~The Great “Kitty/Papillon Smack-Down” continues!!!~~~~~~~ *****~~~~~~~Danny Zucko versus Copernicus~~~~~~~***** I’m taking bets….. Danny (the dog) always starts the fights….. …..the cats always finish it….. …..(oops, I guess I just shut down the betting potential, huh)….. His other sparing-partner is Prosecco….. I’ll tell you right now…..Danny is ALWAYS the whiney-looser….. …..he’s a fluffy-whoosie….. …..(don’t tell my younger daughter I said that)….. …..(well actually…that’s not true…he does regularly make the Wolfhounds…

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~~Kitty-Kat-Um Commune~~~

~~Kitty-Kat-Um Commune~~~

In the sixties and seventies….. …..communes were a big deal….. …..eating together…bathing together…meditating together…sleeping together… …..everything was tie-dyed and together….. …..there were sit-ins…and bed-ins (the Lennon/Ono one)…the Summer of Love…and lock-ons…..(***Remember What A Lock-On Was?*****) I think I’ve mentioned before that I was living in New Jersey at that time….. …..and I remember having the opportunity & being asked to go to this outdoor concert-thing in up-state New York….. …..I picked staying home and go horseback riding instead….. …..hmmmmm….. But…

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So it’s not actually a Monday….. …..but in a lot of ways…..this morning felt like a Monday….. … know your day is going to be a challenge when it starts out like this….. …..first thing….. And then I went to the kitchen….. …..and found this…..   BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE…..!!!….. …..(while at the other end of the kitchen counter)….. …..there was sweet/non-controversial Gatsby….. …..helping himself to the left-over rice (which was intended for the Wolfhound’s breakfast)….. ………………….So Gird Your Loins…

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