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Tag: Christmas tree

The Christmas Tree Is Up?

The Christmas Tree Is Up?

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* The Holidays are upon us….. It’s a process….. There are necessary steps to follow….. …..and precautions to take….. For example we have some very old/old ornaments from my family…going back a couple generations….. …..they’re not going to see the light of day this year…they’re going to stay safely nestled in their tissue paper beds….. …..(it takes lots and lots of luck for such fragile things to make it through multiple Christmases)….. But again…this…

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Mission Accomplished ~~~Puppy Proofing The Christmas Tree

Mission Accomplished ~~~Puppy Proofing The Christmas Tree

We finally got the tree up AND we got it lit! It’s not pretty…….but it’s (fairly) puppy-proof… Let the games begin!                       Tra!  La! My younger daughter and I went to our special tree farm and picked out our tree…….(we’ve been going to the same Christmas Tree Farm since my girls were in diapers.)   ***Lazy Lay Acres Christmas Tree Farm*** …..Paolo gives us ceiling height measurements ahead of time.  We…

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The Tree

The Tree

Well…….it’s up… …..but you can’t move forward decorating without the @#$%%$@ lights working……. … that means it’ll be a Walmart run today…….augh…….just what I love to do during the frenzy of December’s holiday shopping……. … brings out the best in me……. … I’m armed with a mobile-welded-metal-projectile…….a shopping cart……. Heh…..heh…..heh….. …..Christmas spirit takes many forms……. So, the tree sits in darkness…….because the lights have to come first……. …..only one strand is working…….out of ALL of the boxes that I dug…

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Happy Yule

Happy Yule

  Yet another fire is burning in our fireplace. The backyard continues to be cleaned up of any of this year’s fallen wood debris, as I continue to burn everything & anything I can fit into the fireplace…   Like I’ve said before………… It doesn’t have to be pretty/pristine or perfectly chain-sawed pieces of wood………..   It just needs to be something I can drag/heave/break/stomp/or hoist into the fireplace to burn…     Burn—baby—burn…         The Christmas…

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