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Tag: chicks

~Sandhill Cranes~

~Sandhill Cranes~

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** It’s Spring….. Babies are showing up….. Babies that I didn’t even know were out there percolating….. I try to keep track of the ducks and chickens…but there are a lot of them…and only one of me….. …..and they’re so sneaky….. Some of the hens successfully sequester themselves for the necessary time to hatch their eggs….. Some………….I never know about….. I try to keep up with the flock…but if they choose not to return…

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***Got ‘cha***

***Got ‘cha***

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** So I started counting roosters….. …..I did start too late in the morning…they had mostly scattered by then….. …..but…there are A LOT of them….. I realized that the surplus of extra roosters can’t all be blamed on my newbie neighbors….. I think I know where some of the extra boys came from….. You see…over the summer…I was given a number of home-hatched Red-Laced Wyandotte chicks…by my friend…B.J….. I’m slowly realizing the extra boys…

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Ducklings…..or Chicks…..?

Ducklings…..or Chicks…..?

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Which are they?………….are they going to be baby ducks or baby chickens…..?….. I’ve done this quite a few times in the past…some might even say I’m an aficionado….. I may have been a bit too cavalier when picking out the Runner Duck eggs from the daily cache of eggs….. …..they’re bigger than chicken eggs…rounder at both ends…and denser-feeling to the touch….. …..Easy Peasy…..right?….. …..Yep………….well………….Nope….. I picked out the appropriate sizes…shapes…and colors….. …..and after…

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~~~New Chicklets~~~

~~~New Chicklets~~~

  *******Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel******* It’s that time of year again…..the wheel in the sky keeps on turning….. …..(wouldn’t that make a good song lyric?)….. …..(oh wait… already is)….. *****Journey’s Song***** I needed to replenish our chicken flock….. …..predators, Irish Wolfhounds, age, and other bad-stuff happens….. I ordered French Black Copper Marans along with French Cuckoo Marans….. ***French Black Copper Marans*** ***French Cuckoo Marans*** …..(they are some of the darkest brown egg-layers available)……..

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*Chick Eating Grin*

*Chick Eating Grin*

*******Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel******* Remember those silly hens who insisted on laying and setting in one of the nooks on top of “Ole Sparky”? … didn’t turn out well….. …..(we knew ahead of time it wouldn’t)….. Well…..Otto’s happy…..(at least)….. So here’s the re-cap….. Stupid Hen #1 discovered an inappropriate place to start laying eggs….. … was on top of our generator (who we fondly call “Ole Sparky)….. …..the little alcove that she chose…

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(hopefully) This Is The Last Post About The Stupid Hen…..(?)…..

(hopefully) This Is The Last Post About The Stupid Hen…..(?)…..

I’m not impressed with this bird….. She’s made some very bad decisions as a mother….. Who knows how many of her babies will actually make it to adulthood…..(?)….. She IS going to remain in the turkey coop….. She’s not responsible enough to be a free-range hen….. She’ll stay in there with her remaining babies….. Additionally…..I’ve put the young French Black Copper Maran rooster in the same turkey coop….. (to safe-guard him and hopefully add to his longevity here on the…

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~~~And You Thought (hoped) My “Stupid Hen” Posts Were Done~~~

~~~And You Thought (hoped) My “Stupid Hen” Posts Were Done~~~

  HA!!!!! But wait there’s more…………………. *******Disclaimer:  There Are Snake Photos In This Post.  Those Who Don’t Want To See A Lot Of Snake Photos…..Don’t Look At This Post  (Simone…..this means you)******* Remember when we thought that ultimately putting the “stupid hen” into the overly-secure turkey coop….. …..that her chicks would be safe…..?….. …..remember that!?!….. …..well that was wrong….. …..we’ve had rain…..we have mud….. …’s everywhere….. …’s in the lower portion of the turkey coop….. WHERE DID THE STUPID HEN…

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***Stupid Hen…….(the next day)***

***Stupid Hen…….(the next day)***

You are probably asking….. …..did the Stupid Hen come back to her chicks whom (who?) she abandoned in the coop…..? …….. ……..she did not….. …..but…..ten of the eleven puff balls somehow managed to scramble up the inside ramp in the coop and tumble down the outside ramp in order to run after and try to find their unconcerned mother….. She ultimately (with no credit to herself) collected nine of her babies….. … stayed in the coop……and one was very raucously…

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*******Stupid Hen*******

*******Stupid Hen*******

They do have tiny heads….. There’s hardly any room for brains….. The ducks and the turkeys (yes, even the turkeys) are so much smarter….. Remember my posts a few months back…..where I was racing to get eggs and doing battle with the crows…..? Previous Post—“Daily Egg Hunt” (03/07/20) Previous Post—“Where Have All The Eggs Gone?” (5/31/19)  (…..hmmmmmm….it looks like I’m just a little vitzy & compulsive when it comes to crows and my chicken eggs…..doesn’t it?) The crows were plotting…

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