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Tag: cat revenge

The Morning Routine

The Morning Routine

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** My cats rule when the day begins….. …..who am I kidding….. …..the cats rule practically everything else too….. Those of you with cats know what I mean….. Those of you with house cats are keenly aware how much your day is manipulated by your cats….. And then there are those crazies out there with multiply house cats….. …..there’s just no helping…

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Green Quarters

Green Quarters

Should quarters be green…………………..? …….I really don’t think so…   You know how you have that jar of coins where you toss extra change? I recently had to move my coin jar for cleaning. I thought it was odd that so many of the coins inside looked green. So I investigated……………………………………………………………………………..sigh… They were green…….and some were white & corroded…   But most were green………….and moist…………..(moist coins?……..that’s never good—–right?) ………….(you know I sniffed them)………….but, they did NOT smell of cat pee….

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Cat Catastrophe Contained

Cat Catastrophe Contained

I just got my recharger-cord-thingie in the mail. The scraps of the torn, padded envelope still litter the kitchen floor. The cats are already plotting their next attack. My older daughter has given me a protective case for my computer and its new, pristine recharger-cord. Tonight I’m camouflaging my computer in its new case on the cookbook shelves in the kitchen.  It should look like a fake cookbook on the shelf.     Take That, Cats!!!        …

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