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Tag: Caesar

Less Ducks In A Row?

Less Ducks In A Row?

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Well…Damn….. Remember my post…back the end of May…when Doctor Brigid and I were sipping “tea” on the mounting block and watching for the Runner Duck hen to come off her nest for food & water?….. …..and we waited….. …..and we waited….. …..and she never showed….. *************Guys—I’m a little slow on the up-take************* …..maybe she’s not on a nest?….. …..maybe she’s not coming back?….. Maybe she was one of Rocket’s first meals?………….(well…damn)….. In hindsight…(why…

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**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** …………………(Ode to Caesar…continued)………………… …..(but this is still re-hashing the night prior to going into the hospital the last time)….. ………….(I haven’t gone in again)…(phew)…………. …..after the initial attack & Caesar’s demise…all was quiet for a little bit that night….. I kept reading…and listening (remember…the coop is right off my bedroom window)….. AND DAMN!…if there wasn’t a thump and a quiet kerfuffle in the coop a little after 1:00am….. I was prepared for a…

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~Ode to Caesar~

~Ode to Caesar~

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** The night before being sent to the hospital….. I was (again) defending the homestead…outside…in the dark…in my pajamas…in the mud…after a storm….. But I’m getting ahead of myself….. At my normal bedtime…while conducting my “normal night time check-list”….. …..I noticed that there was only ONE (1) (une) (uno) twitchy duck in the coop(?)….. …..alarms and whistles were set off…additionally there were only a minimal amount of quaking chickens in the coop too….. …..most…

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*Bumble Foot*

*Bumble Foot*

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** *************Bumble Foot************* Don’t laugh………….I didn’t make it up….. It’s a bird-thing….. But it does sound poetic-ish…almost Chaucer-like—“the foot that bumbles…the bumbling foot”…maybe Wordsworth?…or just the start of a bad limerick?—(okay…I’ll drop it)….. Poultry can develop………….”Bumble Foot”   *****(Bumble Foot Explanation)***** I believe it starts out as an injury…probably a puncture wound….. …..and maybe because there’s not profuse circulation in a chicken’s foot…and because they walk on highly-suspect & certainly not sterile surfaces….. …..they then…

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!A.M. Cacophony!

!A.M. Cacophony!

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** How has this happened again….. The only way to know that there are too many roosters…is to wait until the pre-dawn hours….. ….then it’s unmistakable….. How on Earth has this Happened Again!?!….. I need to count the amount of boy birds who are wandering around out there….. I know exactly where they are each morning….. They are right outside my bedroom window….. …..there are at least two that I hear faintly (way out…

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~~~@#$%&*&%$#@ Roosters~~~

~~~@#$%&*&%$#@ Roosters~~~

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** Farmers never want and/or need a surplus of roosters….. Roosters are valuable…..but you don’t need multiple/crowing birds….. …..they fight…..they do that early morning crowing-thing (try 3:30am)…..(in what world is that dawn?)…..they harass the hens….. …..they’re basically loud  &  disruptive….. … some stupid (short-lived birds) try to chase & spur you….. I try to keep our rooster population to a minimum…..just a…

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